Last name (required). The surname of the user.
First name. The given name of the user. We are using Preferred first name because the Preferred first name field isn’t functional yetthat field is not yet available in notice templates).
Middle name. The middle name of the user.
Preferred first name. The name by which the user prefers to be called. (not currently functionalavailable in notice templates)
Patron group (required). Select a patron group to assign to the user. Patron groups are classes of library users configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Users > Patron Groups for more information.
Status (required). Selecta status for the user: Active or Inactive. A user’s status is tied to the expiration date set on their user record. Active status indicates current affiliation, employment, or enrollment within the library’s institution. Inactive status indicates that the expiration date on the user’s record has passed and the user is no longer affiliated, employed, or enrolled.
Expiration date. The amount of time set before the user record lapses and the user no longer has active permissions or the ability to borrow items. The expiration date determines when a user’s status changes from Active to Inactive. [You are prompted to set the default expiration date when creating a user record. In the Set expiration date dialog, click Set to accept the default expiration date for the patron group. Otherwise, if you wish to customize the expiration date, click Cancel and enter the date in the Expiration date field, or click the calendar icon to select a date. You can also leave the field blank.]
Barcode. Thebarcode numberfor the user’s ID or library card.
Date enrolled. The date a user is enrolled at the institution. This field is auto-populated if it is included in source data provided by an external system.
External system ID. The external system ID for the user. This field is auto-populated if it is included in source data provided by an external system.
Birth date. [Five Colleges is not currently using this field] The date of birth of the user in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Folio number. A system-generated number for the user record.
Username. The name library staff use to log into FOLIO. Note: Patrons don’t have a username because they don’t need to log into FOLIO.
Request preferences. Select Hold Shelf and/or Delivery to indicate preference for receiving requested items.
Default pickup service point. All user records have at least one service point assigned to indicate the location for checking out or picking up requested items. Service points are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Tenant > Service points for more information.
Fulfillment preference. This field only appears if Delivery is selected as a Request preference.
Default delivery address (required). This field only appears and is required if Delivery is selected as a Request preference.
Department name. [Not being used in Five Colleges is not currently using this field] Name of the user’s department, if applicable. To associate the user with a department, click Add Department and select the department from the drop-down list. This action is repeatable, and departments can be deleted by clicking the trash can icon.Departments are configured by your library in the Settings app. See Settings > Users > Departments for more information.
Find the user record to which you want to add a note and select it.
In the User record pane, click Notes.
Click New.
In the New note window, select Patron as the Note type from the drop-down list. Note types are created in the Settings app. For more information, see Settings > Notes.
Enter a Note title in the box.
Optional: Enter any Details about the note in the box.
Check the boxes next to the apps for which you want the note to pop up.
Check out App
Users App
Click Save & close. The note is saved.