Set name | Description | Permissions |
Bulk Edit One | Allows in app Edit and CSV Edit | Bulk edit: In app - Edit user records Bulk edit: Can build query Bulk edit: Can view logs Bulk Edit: In app - Edit inventory records Bulk Edit: In app - View inventory records
Bulk Edit Two | includes deletes` | (delete permission has been deprecated) |
Calendar Admin | Set to create, edit and assign calendars and exception dates | Settings (Calendar): Can create and assign new calendars Settings (Calendar): Can delete existing calendars Settings (Calendar): Can edit and reassign existing calendars Settings (Calendar): Can view existing calendars Settings (Calendar): Display calendar in the settings list Settings (tenant): Can create, edit and remove service points
Circulation Admin | Top level circ permission set. Can make configuration changes to all aspects of circ and perform all actions | Circulation Four Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove cancellation reasons Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove circulation rules [LEGACY] Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove fixed due date schedules Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove loan policies Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove lost item fee policies Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove notice policies Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove other settings Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove overdue fine policies Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove patron notice templates Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove request policies Settings (Circ): Can create, edit and remove staff slips Settings (Circ): Can view loan history Settings (Circ): Can view loan policies Settings (Circ): Can view lost item fee policies Settings (Circ): Can view overdue fine policies
Circulation Four | Circulation managers. includes override, blocks and fee wavingwaiving | Circulation Three Export manager: All Inventory: Create and download In transit items report invisible- circulation all Requests: All permissions Settings (Circ): Can view loan policies Settings (Circ): View circulation rules User: Can override item blocks User: Can override patron blocks Users: Can create, edit and remove fees/fines Users: Can create, edit and remove patron blocks Users: Can process lost items requiring actual cost Users: Create and download Cash drawer reconciliation report Users: Create and download Financial transaction detail report Users: Create and download Refunds to process manually report Users: User loans claim returned Users: User loans declare lost Users: User loans mark claimed returned missing Users: User loans renew through override Users: User loans view, change due date, renew
Circulation One | Basic circ view permission. Can only view, cannot perform any circ action | Check out: View fees/fines Check out: View loans Check out: View requests Settings (Circ): Can view loan policies Settings (Circ): Can view lost item fee policies Settings (Circ): Can view overdue fine policies Tags on records: View only Users One Users: Can check open transactions Users: User loans view Users: View requests
Circulation Three | Can change due dates | |
Circulation Two | Minimum permissions to run circ | |
Data Export One | Can use data Export | |
Data Export Two | Can create new data export profiles | |
Data Import One | Can Run all data import jobs | Bulk edit: Can view logs data import invisible permissions Data import: Can upload files, import, and view logs Settings (Data import): Can view only UI: Data import module is enabled
Data Import Two | Can create data import profiles | data import invisible permissions Data Import One Data import: Can delete import logs Settings (Data import): Can view, create, edit, and remove Settings (Data import): Display list of settings pages for Data import UI: Data import module is enabled
Discovery One | View OAI settings and logs | |
ERM One -Refactor | View Permissions for Agreements, Notes, orders, organizations eholdings and users. This group is intended for subject specialists, liaisons, and selectors who have unrestricted viewing access but cannot make any changes | Agreements: Search & view agreements eHoldings: Can view providers, packages, titles detail records Find Agreement Plugin: Search agreements Licenses: Search & view licenses Orders One Organizations: Interface usernames and passwords: view Organizations: View Tags on records: View only Users One
ERM Three - Refactor | ERM permissions for top level ERM staff. Includes permission to activate and deactivate eHoldings and Delete agreements and organizations, and make changes to root proxy and access status types(?). | Agreements: Delete agreements eHoldings: Can create and delete custom packages and titles eHoldings: Can edit providers, packages, titles detail records eHoldings: Can select/unselect packages and titles to/from your holdings ERM Two - Refactor Export manager: Download and re-send files Organizations: View, edit, delete Settings (Agreements): Can view app settings Settings (eholdings): Can view access status types Settings (eholdings): Can view custom labels Settings (eHoldings): View settings
ERM Two - Refactor | RM permissions intended for general ERM staff. Can make create and edit agreements, licenses, notes, and organizations. Cannot delete agreements or Activate eholdings. View only user and orders permissions | Agreements: Edit agreements Agreements: File download Dashboard: Manage dashboard ERM One -Refactor Export manager: All Find License Plugin: Search licenses Licenses: Delete licenses Licenses: Edit licenses Licenses: File download Licenses: Search & view licenses Notes: Can assign and unassign a note Notes: Can create a note Notes: Can delete a note Notes: Can edit a note Organizations: Assign acquisition units to new organization Organizations: Interface usernames and passwords: view, edit, create, delete Organizations: View, edit, create Tags: All permissions
Finance Admin | Full finance permissions plus settings | |
Finance One | | Finance: View fiscal year Finance: View fund and budget Finance: View group Finance: View ledger Orders One Tags on records: View only
Finance Three | High level finance. Can perform Finance 2 operations plus create ledgers and fiscal rollover | Finance Two Finance: Execute fiscal year rollover Finance: Export finance records Finance: Unrelease encumbrance Finance: View, edit, create fiscal year Finance: View, edit, create ledger Finance: View, edit, delete fiscal year Finance: View, edit, delete ledger
Finance Two | General finance permissions. Cannot change edit ledgers or execute fiscal rollover | Finance: Assign acquisition units to new record Finance: Create allocations Finance: Create transfers Finance: Manage acquisition units Finance: Manually release encumbrance Finance: Recalculate budget totals Finance: View, edit ledger Finance: View, edit, create fund and budget Finance: View, edit, create group Finance: View, edit, delete fund and budget Finance: View, edit, delete group Orders One Tags: All permissions
Inventory Admin | Top level inventory permissions. Can perform all inventory actions and make configuration changes | Inventory Three Settings (Inventory): Configure single-record import Settings (Inventory): Create, edit and delete HRID handling Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete alternative title types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete call number types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete classification identifier types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete contributor types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete formats Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings note types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings sources Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete holdings types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete ILL policies Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete instance note types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete instance status types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete item note types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete loan types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete locally defined modes of issuance Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete locally defined resource types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete material types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete nature of content Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete resource identifier types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete statistical code types Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete statistical codes Settings (Inventory): Create, edit, delete URL relationships Settings (Inventory): Edit fast add settings Settings (Inventory): View list of settings pages
Inventory One | View inventory permissions. Required by most permissions | Call number browse: View permissions get version Inventory-invisible Inventory-orchid fix Inventory: View instances, holdings, and items quickMARC: View MARC bibliographic record Settings (My profile): Can change your local password Subject browse: View permissions Tags on records: View only
Inventory Three | Can perform all inventory functions and mark records for deletion | |
Inventory Two | Can perform all inventory actions including single record import, item and holdings creation, editing bib records, and moving holdings and items | Data import: Can view only Inventory One Inventory: Enable staff suppress facet Inventory: Import single bibliographic records Inventory: Mark items in process Inventory: Mark items in process (non-requestable) Inventory: Mark items intellectual item Inventory: Mark items long missing Inventory: Mark items restricted Inventory: Mark items unavailable Inventory: Mark items unknown Inventory: Mark items withdrawn Inventory: Move holdings Inventory: Move items Inventory: View, create, edit instances Inventory: View, create, edit, delete holdings Inventory: View, create, edit, delete items Inventory: View, create, edit, mark missing items quickMARC: Derive new MARC bibliographic record quickMARC: View, edit MARC bibliographic record Tags: All permissions
Lists | Full lists permissions to create, edit, delete and export | Lists (Delete): Can create, edit, refresh, and delete lists Lists (Edit): Can create, edit, and refresh lists Lists (Enable): Can view lists Lists (Export): Can create, edit, refresh, and export lists
Orders Admin | Top level orders permission. Can make configuration changes to invoices, orders and organizations | Orders Three Settings (Invoices): Can view and edit settings Settings (Orders): Can view and edit all settings Settings (Organizations): Can view and edit settings
Orders One | Basic View permissions for orders. Includes view orders, inventory and invoices | Inventory: View instances, holdings, and items Invoice: Can view Invoices and Invoice lines Orders: Can view Orders and Order lines Settings (My profile): Can change your local password Settings (Orders): Can view Order Templates
Orders Three | Can perform all order and invoice actions, as well as create, edit and delete templates | Invoice: Pay invoices in a different fiscal year Orders Two Orders: Show all hidden fields Receiving: View, edit, delete Settings (Orders): Can view, edit, create new Order Templates Settings (Orders): Can view, edit, delete Order Templates
Orders Two | Can perform all invoice and orders actions | Export manager: All Invoice: Approve invoices Invoice: Assign acquisitions units to new record Invoice: Can view and edit Invoices and Invoice lines Invoice: Can view Invoices and Invoice lines Invoice: Can view, edit and create new Invoices and Invoice lines Invoice: Can view, edit and delete Invoices and Invoice lines Invoice: Cancel invoices Invoice: Download batch file from invoice record Invoice: Export search results Invoice: Manage acquisition units Invoice: Pay invoices Invoice: Voucher export Orders One Orders: Approve purchase orders Orders: Assign acquisition units to new order Orders: Can create new Orders and Order lines Orders: Can delete Orders and Order lines Orders: Can edit Orders and Order lines Orders: Cancel order lines Orders: Cancel purchase orders Orders: Export search results Orders: Manage acquisition units Orders: Reopen purchase orders Orders: Unopen purchase orders Orders: Update encumbrances Organizations: Assign acquisition units to new organization Organizations: Interface usernames and passwords: view, edit, create, delete Organizations: Manage acquisition units Organizations: View, edit, delete Receiving: View, edit, create
Reserves Admin | Top level course reserves permission. Can perform all reserve actions and make configuration changes | |
Reserves One | Basic courses view permission. Can view courses but make no changes | Courses-invisible Courses: Read all Inventory One Users One
Reserves Three | Can create courses , add items, remove items and delete courses | |
Reserves Two | can create and edit course. Can add, edit and remove items | Courses: Add, edit, and remove courses' reserved items Courses: Read, add, and edit courses Fast add: Create Reserves One
Users Admin | Top level user permission. Can perform all actions as well as make user configuration changes | Settings (developer): Can change users' passwords Settings (Users): Can create, edit, and view custom fields Settings (Users): Can create, edit, view and delete custom fields Users Three
Users One | Provide basic view permissions for staff users. Intended use will be as part of a permission set. Inventory and fee fine permissions are required to avoid 403s. | Inventory: View instances, holdings, and items Notes: Can view a note Settings (My profile): Can change your local password Tags on records: View only Users: Can view fees/fines and loans Users: Can view permissions assigned to users Users: Can view proxies assigned to users Users: Can view service points assigned to users Users: Can view user profile
Users Three | Permission set for the creation of new users and setting of passwords. Intended to be for those who create new staff users | kb_users_invisible Settings (acquisition units): Can view, edit, create and delete acquisition units Settings (developer): Can change users' passwords Settings (eHoldings): Can assign/unassign a user from a KB Users Two Users: Can assign and unassign permissions to users Users: Can assign and unassign service points to users Users: Can view service points assigned to users
Users Two | Can create, edit and delete users | Notes: Can assign and unassign a note Notes: Can create a note Notes: Can delete a note Notes: Can edit a note Settings (Calendar): Can view existing calendars Tags: All permissions Users: Can create and edit users Users: Can create, edit and remove patron blocks Users: Can create, edit and remove proxies Users: Can delete user profile if user does not have any open transactions Users: Can edit user profile Users: Can view fees/fines and loans Users: Create/reset password
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