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Table of Contents

View a list

To view a list, open the Lists app. A list of Lists is displayed in the Lists pane.


The selection of lists in the Lists pane can be narrowed by applying filters. The Filter pane includes the following filters:


Select a list to view by highlighting and clicking on it in the Lists pane. The selected list opens in a new window.

List information

The field titles displayed on the center list apps pane

The List information section List results displays details about the list.

  • List name: Title of the list

  • Record type: The type of FOLIO record used for the list

  • Visibility: Shared or Private.

    • Shared: Shared lists can be accessed by all users with permissions to the Lists app in this organization.

    • Private: Private lists can only be accessed by the user who created the list.

  • Status: Active or Inactive

    • Active: An active list contains a query and a resulting record set.

    • Inactive: An inactive list contains a query but no record set.

  • Source: Username or FOLIO account used to create the list.

  • Date Updated: The last time the list was changed or refreshed. If a list has not been updated recently, Refresh the list to get the most recent data.

Viewing a list

List Information displays details about the list.

  • List name: Title of the list

  • Description: A description of Optional text that explains what the list does.

  • Record type: The type of FOLIO record used for the list. This criteria is optional.

  • Visibility: Shared or Private.

    • Shared: Shared lists can be accessed by all users with permissions to the Lists app in this organization.

    • Private: Private lists can only be accessed by the user logged in.

  • Status: Active or Inactive

    • Active: An active list contains a query and a resulting record set.

    • Inactive: An inactive list contains a query but no record set.

  • Source: Username or FOLIO account used to create the list.

  • Date Updated: The last time the list was changed or refreshed. If a list has not been updated recently, Refresh the list to get the most recent data.



Query details for the selected list appear in the Query section and include the query string, the number of records found by the query, and the . This is a raw query that is passed into the FOLIO query engine. The number of items in the list is displayed below.

Field headings

In a list, the fields for the record set display as column headings. Customize the display of column headings in the record set by checking or unchecking the field(s) in Actions > Show columns as appropriate. Options for field headings will depend on the Record Type.To view the refreshed


Refreshing a List

Lists can be dynamically updated with new results based on their query. To Refresh the list, click Actions > Refresh List and click the View updated list link in the confirmation message.

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Create a list


  • When you create a new list shared list, remember to prefix your list with your institution code (AC, MH, HC, SC, UM). If you do not need to share your list with other users, make it private.

  • When you run your test query, if the number of results is very large (greater than 25K) please add additional criteria to reduce the size of the list

  • Please utilize five-colleges-test for any experiments with Lists

  • Be aware Lists is still undergoing development. Double check your results with other applications

  • The data you see will be for all Five Colleges unless you explicitly limit to your data. This is not always possible.

  • A new list must have List information and a Query assigned to establish the record set for the list. A Test query must be performed before the query can be run and saved.

List information

To add list details for a new list, follow these steps:


  1. In the Lists pane, click on New.

  2. In the New List window, add criteria in the List information section:

  3. List name : The name that will appear on the list. If you are creating a shared list, prefix your list with your institution code

  4. Description (optional): Explain what purpose the list serves

  5. Visibility: Define if other uses can view the list. A shared list is visible to all users. A private list is available only to you

  6. Status : Set the list as active or inactive

  7. Select the appropriate Record type. You can only query one type . Currently supported record types include:of record. Query fields and result headers will depend on the record type chosen.

Supported record types

  1. Holdings

    1. Instances

    2. Items

    3. Loans

    4. Organizations - contact info

    5. Organizations - vendor info

    6. Purchase order lines,

    7. Users.

Build a query

The Build query function in the Lists app allows the user to build a query for these record types: Holdings, Instances, Items, Loans, Organizations - contact info, Organizations - vendor info, Purchase order lines, and Users. The query string populates in the Query field as the query is built.


  1. Click the Build query button to open the Build query window.

  2. Select the Record type for the query.

  3. Select a Field from the Filter options list drop-down menu. The Fields available for selection in the Filter options are based on the Record Type. See Supported fields by List record type for more information.

  4. Select an Operator from the Select operator drop-down list. The operators available for selection are based on the Field.

    • == Field is an exact match to the selected Value.

    • != Field does not equal the selected Value.

    • In Field appears in the selected Value.

    • Not in Field does not appear in the selected Value.

    • Is null/empty Field is empty; it contains no data.

  5. Select a Value from the Select value drop-down list. The Values available for selection are based on the Record Type and Field.

  6. Click on the + icon to add additional lines to the query; Click on the trash can icon to delete a line from the query.

  7. Click the Test query button to preview the returned record set of the list. Test query is required before the query can be run and saved whenever 1) creating a new list and building the query; and 2) editing the query of an existing list. Test query runs the query and displays the total number of records retrieved and a preview of the first 100 records in the record set.

  8. Click Run query & save. If saved successfully, a (Name of List) saved successfully message appears momentarily. Once the query is completed, a Refresh complete with (number of) records: View updated list displays at the top of the window.

  9. Click the View updated list link in the confirmation message to view the record set in the list.

  10. In a list, the fields of the record type display as column headings. The default display of column headings is based on the record type assigned to the list. Customize the display of column headings in the record set by checking or unchecking the field(s) in Actions > Show columns as appropriate for the selected record type.

Test query

Once a query is built, it must be tested before the query can be run and saved. Test query is required in the following scenarios:


Test query runs the query and displays a preview of the returned record set. The first 100 records are displayed in the preview pane and the total count of records appears at the top of the preview pane. If the Test query returns more than 10025,000 results, refine your criteria to return a smaller set

Update a record set in a list

The record set in a list is static, but the metadata of each record is updated in near real-time. If modification is made to a record outside of the Lists app, the record remains in the record set of the list. The updated record can be viewed by refreshing the list.


  1. Click Actions > Refresh list. The system will re-run the query. A Refresh complete with (number of) records confirmation message appears at the top of the screen.

  2. Click the View updated list link in the confirmation message to view the updated record set in the list.

Edit a list

To edit the List information in a list, follow these steps:


  1. Select the list in the Lists pane. The list opens a new window.

  2. Click Actions > Edit List.

  3. In the Query section, click Edit query. Make changes to Field, Operator, and/or Value as appropriate. The Query field displays a preview of the query as it is edited.

  4. If necessary, click on the + icon to add additional rows to the query or click on the trash can icon to delete rows from the query.

  5. Click the Test query button to see how many records are returned and to preview the record set of the list. See Test query for more information. If the test returns more than 100,000 results, refine the query.

  6. Click the Run query & save button. A confirmation message, List_ListTitle_was saved will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

Duplicate a list

To duplicate a list, follow these steps:

  1. Select the list from the Lists pane. The selected list will open in a new window.

  2. Click Actions > Duplicate List. If duplicating the list without making any changes, click Save. A confirmation message, List (Original List Name) - copy was saved appears in the lower right corner of the screen.

  3. Edit the List name, Description (optional), or change Visibility and Status, if appropriate.

  4. Edit the query, if appropriate, by clicking the Edit query button.

  5. Make changes to Field, Operator, and/or Value. The Query field displays a preview of the query string as it is edited. If necessary, click on the + icon to add additional rows to the query; click on the trash can icon to delete rows from the query.

  6. Click the Test query button to see how many records are returned and to preview the record set of the list. Test query is required when editing the query of a list before the new query can be run and saved.

  7. Click the Run query & save button. A confirmation message, List (Duplicate List Name) was saved will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.

Delete a list

To delete a list, follow these steps:

  1. Select the list from the Lists pane. The selected list will open in a new window.

  2. Click Actions > Delete List.

  3. A confirmation modal appears: Are you sure you want to delete the list List Title?

  4. Click the Delete button to delete the list.

Export a list

A list can be exported from the Lists app and downloaded as a .csv file. To export a list, follow these steps:
