Smith doesn’t retain withdrawn titles for reporting purposes. When something is removed from the catalog (proactively or because it has been lost), we fully remove the title from FOLIO and WorldCat.
In general, the steps described in Delete a record in Inventory will allow you to remove a record from FOLIO, but there are a few other things to consider along the way.
Did we commit to retaining the title through EAST?
If we did, it will have an Instance note like the one below or it will appear as a 583 in quickMARC. There are legitimate reasons to withdraw a title with a commitment, but talk to a cataloger about how to report this to EAST before you suppress/mark the Instance.
Is this the last copy of something held at Smith?
Make sure to remove our holdings from the WorldCat record. Search for the held title via WorldShare Metadata Manager or Connexion and remove our holdings (Connexion screenshot below). Please note that serials with holdings statements or titles with EAST commitments will have a Local Holdings Record in addition to the regular holdings on the WorldCat record. You may be prompted with an extra confirmation screen when removing our holdings from something with a LHR.
Is this the last copy in the Five Colleges?
We have a Last Copy policy where we retain something if it is the last known copy in among the Five Colleges. If you have the item in hand and it can’t stay where it is, you should probably send it to the Annex. However, sometimes withdrawing a final copy is unavoidable because the title you are withdrawing is long missing. In that case, check with acquisitions to see if we should be replacing the title.
How long has the item been missing?
If something has been missing for more than five years, feel free to delete the Item (and possibly the Holdings and Instance). If the missing note is more recent, check with access services to see whether you should be withdrawing the title or giving it some time for the patron to return the item or acquisitions to purchase a replacement copy.