To allow patrons to log in to EDS, the 5C have adopted OpenAthens core.

Admin Site: (if patrons are having issues try having them navigate to this page and if they are able to get to the patron dashboard, have them logout and try again.)

Create Admins

Admin accounts are created in the same way as personal accounts for community borrowers but are separate from the data sent from IT to create accounts automatically for campus users. There is a second step to make a person account an admin for OpenAthens.

The account now exists in the OpenAthens managed (local) directory but does not have admin access by default. This is a second step.

Create Community Borrowers

ccess Services will be the primary point of contact to create managed directory accounts in OpenAthens for community borrowers. The creation of an account is the same as the first step for creating an admin.

Before creating an account in OpenAthens you must create the patrons user account in FOLIO first. Please follow any guidelines/workflows created by CUFF or locally by UMass' Access Services department. CUFF Workflow:

Once the patron has set their password they will be able to login to use Discovery to place requests and view their account.

Config. Decisions

Jaime & Jack decided the following:


Not much is actually branded. Our public name is set to be “UMass Amherst Libraries” while our connection is called “UMass Amherst - Faculty, Staff, & Students” to allow a more clear login path on the OA WAYF page.

It is possible to update the email templates. Jack modified them to use UMass Libraries in place of OpenAthens and to directly reference DBHelp instead of using their sytnax.

On the “MyAthens” dashboard, which we expect patrons wouldn't really ever see - Jack did create a card with some basic information on how to contact the library.