

The Receiving app allows you to indicate that order lines created in the Orders app have been received by the library.

Key terms

  • Package. A purchase order that represents the acquisition of multiple titles.

  • Piece. A subsection of a receiving title that is expected to be received. For example, if the ordered title is a journal subscription, then a piece of that title could be volume one of the journal.

  • Receive. To confirm that an order has been delivered to the library.

  • Receiving title. The name of ordered material. This may have one or more pieces attached.

  • Unreceive. To indicate that an order previously listed as “received” has not been delivered to the library.


FOLIO community documentation for Receiving includes the permissions required to interact with the app, and that determine what you can or cannot do within the app.

You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, then they will be unable to see the Receiving app or any related information.

See the FOLIO community documentation here.

Receiving documentation


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