

The Invoices app allows you to manage payment for the materials that your library ordered. You can also search for and edit existing invoices as needed.

Key terms

  • Accounting code. The code used by your library in your payment system in reference to an organization.

  • Acquisitions units. The Five Colleges use Acquisitions Units in the form of 2 letter codes (AC, HC, MH, SC, UM) that will allow staff to create and edit orders and perform other acquisitions-related functions for their home libraries. (View access will be available for records in the other Acquisitions Units. ) Acquisition Units are assigned in the Settings app. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.

  • Adjustments. Charges added to an invoice in addition to the materials ordered. Shipping costs and exchange rates represent common adjustments.

  • Batch group. Groups that process their invoices together. Invoices from the same library are generally processed together.

  • Funds. Specific allocations of money within a ledger.

  • Invoice lines. The individual line items being paid for within each invoice. Each line consists of a description of the materials being paid for, the costs incurred, and a vendor reference number. Invoices are primarily a sum of the information from these lines.

  • Organizations. Any institution with whom your library interacts (this may or may not be an institution from whom you purchase materials).

  • Vendor. Any institution from whom your library purchases materials.

  • Vendor invoice number. The number provided by the vendor for this invoice.

  • Voucher number. A number generated by the system to identify the payment request exported from FOLIO to an external financial system.


Paying invoices


FOLIO community documentation for Invoices includes the permissions required to interact with the app, and that determine what you can or cannot do within the app.

You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, then they will be unable to see the Orders app or any related information.


See the FOLIO community documentation here.

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