Moving Holdings and Items to Another Instance
You have identified that the holdings and items are attached to the incorrect bibliographic record and you need to move the holdings and items to the correct bibliographic record. Remember to look at the prerequisites, steps and then last steps to complete move at the end.
From the Incorrect bibliographic record, copy to a notepad or blank word document
POL number. You will see this in the Instance preview in the Acquisition accordion at the bottom
Instance HRID
OCLC number
From the Correct bibliographic record (either you imported a new one or found an existing one that is on a bibliographic record that is in a shared location (No Shared Locations List)), copy to a notepad or blank word document
Instance HRID
OCLC number
Incorrect Instance Is Connected to a POL
The Move Starts in the Orders App
Go to the Orders App
Look up the POL in the Orders Line
Verify that the POL is for the book that you have in hand. Another way to get to the right POL, is to go to the incorrect bibliographic record, scroll down to the Acquisitions accordion and click on the linked POL
Go to Actions
Select “Change Instance Connection”
In the popup window
Select instance HRID
Paste the correct bibliographic record instance HRID
Click on the title that comes up
In the popup box, you’ll see “All related item records will be moved to the correct instance. How would you like to address the related Holdings?”
Select Move - this moves the holdings and items from the incorrect bib record to the correct one.
There are 3 options to the question in the popup box: Move, Find, Create New.
Move: moves holdings and items to the instance selected previously
Find: find the holdings you want.
Create New: create a new holdings on the instance selected previously.
Incorrect Instance IS NOT Connected to a POL (POL Doesn’t Exist)
The Move Starts in the Inventory App
Go to the incorrect bibliographic record
Go to Actions
Select Move holdings/items to another instance
In the popup window, select instance HRID
Paste in the correct bibliographic record instance HRID
Click on the title that comes up.
You now see the instance preview in a dual view with the incorrect bibliographic record next to the correct one.
Select the holdings and items from the incorrect record. The box will be above the holdings
Click Move to. The title might be the same but click on that
Click continue
You will still be in the dual view and now will see the holdings and item on the correct bibliographic record
To get out of the dual view, click on the x in the upper left hand corner of one of the instances
To Finish the process
Once you are done moving the holdings and items, remember to:
Update and/or remove any holdings on OCLC WorldCat records
If the incorrect bibliographic record has no holdings or items, it is not connected to anything, mark this record for deletion (Guidelines).