Retrieve and download your MARC records (.mrc)
Open that .mrc file in MarcEdit
Check the records
Reports → Material Type Report.
Reports → Field count
Number of records in the .mrc file
Different record types (ebook, escore, evideo, etc.)
Is there a 856 for each record?
Are there 336, 337, and 338s for each record?
If there are missing 336, 337 and/or 338, run the RDA Helper
Run the appropriate MarcEdit task for your set
Tasks are found on GitHub. If you make a change to the task, remember to push those changes to the main repository
Go over the details of the summary from the task. Make sure that it fits the number of records, different types of records, etc.
Check the file again
Reports → Field Count
Make sure
there is at least 1 tag 856 per record and that is the appropriate one for the set
There is only 1 tag 852 per record with the Location phrase in the $b and $hOnline. Check the FCDC Locations Spreadsheet for the phrase.
There is only 1 tag 001 per record with no punctuation
Save the .mrk file
Compile the .mrk into a .mrc file with the naming convention of containercode_date_[u,n,d,m for update, new, delete, or merge]_initials.mrc. If you have to split a file up because of its size, you can add a number after the u, n, d, or m as in fcsws_20220722_u1_jme.mrc.
Go to the “update” folder in the FTP to the main custom catalog. Make sure you are in the update folder.
Upload your file to the update folder via the FTP