FERM (FOLIO Electronic Resources Management)

FERM (FOLIO Electronic Resources Management)

Background on FERM

The Five College FOLIO Electronic Resources Management Working Group (FERM) was formed in May 2019 to guide the implementation of the FOLIO ERM Suite which currently consists of Agreements, eHoldings, and Organizations. The group has ongoing responsibilities to implement the licenses app and to assist other working groups with the main Aleph migration. The group has overlap with other working groups and Five College committees and collaborates on issues relating to discovery and access of eResources.

FERM Scope

The work of this group will primarily center around the following FOLIO apps: Licenses, Agreements, eHoldings, eUsage, and Organizations. Additionally this group will work with the Acquisitions and Inventory working groups on cross-app functionality in FOLIO as well as the Five College Discovery and User Experience committees to ensure optimal user experience for FOLIO inventory records.

As an ongoing Five College working group, FERM also provides a space to collaboratively explore new workflows in FOLIO and other management systems, and to provide peer support for systems and eResource management.

Current Membership





Johanna Radding

Amherst College

Jen Bolmarcich

Hampshire College

Janet Ewing

Mount Holyoke College

Sara Colglazier

Mount Holyoke College

Jenna Lanterman

Smith College

Jack Mulvaney

UMass Amherst (Lead)

Kathleen Berry

UMass Amherst (FIT Liaison)

Working Group Documents

FERM Folder (Google Drive)


Please contact your FIT Liaison for access to specific documents or view them through the public mirror of the FOLIO Implementation Team shared drive on the 5C FOLIO Webpage. If you find an error, broken link, or outdated page please contact Jack Mulvaney (UMass Amherst).

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