

The Organizations app allows you to manage organizations with which your library interacts. Organization records are a place where you can store information about an organization, including contact information, websites, interfaces, and accounts. The organizations you create are shared with the acquisitions and electronic resources management areas of FOLIO in the following apps: Orders, Invoices, Receiving, Agreements, Licenses, and eUsage.

Key terms

  • Acquisition units. The Five Colleges use Acquisitions units in the form of 2 letter codes (AC, HC, MH, SC, UM) that will allow staff to create and edit orders and perform other acquisitions-related functions for their home libraries. View access will be available for records in the other Acquisitions units. Acquisition units are assigned in the Settings app. See Settings > Acquisition units for more information.

  • Organization. Any institution with whom your library interacts (this may or may not be an institution from whom you purchase materials).

  • Vendor. Any institution from whom your library purchases materials.

Create an organization



FOLIO community documentation for Organizations includes the permissions required to interact with the app, and that determine what you can or cannot do within the app.

You can assign permissions to users in the Users app. If none of these permissions are assigned to a user, then they will be unable to see the Organizations app or any related information.


See the FOLIO community documentation here.

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