New organization [FAWG]

New organization [FAWG]

Release: Kiwi, Hotfix 2
Updated 2022-04-12
Added to Confluence: 2023-08-30

Google doc version: New organization [FAWG]


FOLIO Organizations can serve multiple functions.  Organizations may serve as vendors to which libraries pay for subscriptions or one-time purchases.  An Organization can also be the platform for the delivery of content and the collection of usage statistics.  Some Organizations have administrative modules where libraries record information about how content is accessed and delivered to users .  An Organization can be the consortia which negotiates licenses and subscription/purchase costs.


Open Organizations, click New


  • Enter organization Name, beginning with the appropriate 5C two letter prefix for your library: AC, HC, MH, SC, UM.

  • Enter organization Code, beginning with the 2 letter prefix.  The code cannot include spaces, ampersands, or other non-latin alphabet characters.

    • Organization code is required regardless of whether or not the organization is a vendor

    • Vendor codes must be unique.

  • Click the Vendor box to indicate that the Organization is a vendor.

    • In Acquisitions most (all?) organizations are also vendors.  (This is not the case in ERM, where an Organization may be a platform or content provider.)

    • Contact your Accounts Payable office to create a vendor code for campus systems and record in Accounting code in FOLIO.

  • Set Organization status to Active (required field)

  • Select the Acquisitions unit for your library. 

  • Add any relevant Alternative names for the organization to facilitate searching.

Contact information

  • Fill in fields as appropriate

Contact People

  • Fill in fields as appropriate


  • Fill in fields as appropriate

Vendor information

If Vendor box is checked above, the Vendor Information (on docs.folio.org) and accordions will display.


Adding an account is optional, but if you click Add, you must fill in the required fields or delete the account (select the trash can icon) in order to save the organization record.

Save & Close



  • Organizations are closely shared between Acquisitions & ERM but each group might have a different reason for creating or accessing the record. 

  • Organization and contact records are managed individually by each campus. Do not edit or link to records that do not belong to your organization. See Handshakes documentation for details and related agreements. 


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