Updating Organization Data

Updating Organization Data


For each organization there are accordions for contact information and contact people. Vendors and publishers alert us to additions or changes for these. There is also an accordion for interfaces. Interfaces are for administrative logins, and these change as platforms migrate, new accounts are created, or passwords are reset.

FOLIO Apps Required:

  • Organizations

Related Workflows:


  1. A vendor's remit address changes.

  2. A contact person for an organization is added or changed.

  3. An organization migrates or updates their administrative platform.

  4. A new administrative login is created or an existing password is changed. 


A new or updated contact or interface record on an organization.

Staff Involved

  • Acquisitions staff, E-Resources staff, Cataloging staff


Contact Information Change

  1. Vendor alerts library to change of remit address / new address appears on an invoice

  2. Record updated information in FOLIO

    • Addresses can be recorded in the “Contact Information” accordion and assigned a category to generate a sub-accordion. (ie. remittance)

  3. Communicate with campus AP to have their system updated for payment.

    • It is the librarians responsibility to update AP based on vendor communication, crosswalk for financial data does not include these address data points.

    • Followup in FOLIO if AP requests changes to accounting codes, etc. to ensure crosswalk for financial data will continue to work.

Contact People Changes

  1. Vendor communicates (usually via email) about a renewal or invoice and lists new individuals from their company.

    • Or directly sends out communications regarding a new vendor representative or a change in roles.

  2. If there is already an organization record, navigate to the record in FOLIO and open edit to begin work with contacts/interfaces.

    • To edit an existing contact, click on the contact and then under Actions, select Edit.

  3. FOLIO requires first & last name, addition of multiple emails, phone numbers, or physical addresses is optional. Record notes as appropriate and assign categories.

  4. Each school should create discrete contact records for their data/notes

Interface Changes

  1. Vendor communicates by email about the creation of or update to an existing “administrative portal” (usage stats, IP ranges, account ownership, link resolver configuration etc.)

  2. If there is already an organization record, navigate to the record in FOLIO and open edit to begin work with contacts/interfaces.

    • To edit an existing interface, click on the contact and then under Actions, select Edit.

  3. When creating a new interface, include the institutional 2 letter prefix in the name.  

    • FOLIO requires name, addition of URL, credentials, and notes is optional. Record types as appropriate and record notes/settings for statistics collection.


  • These workflows were discussed prior to the Aleph migration and centered on data already in FOLIO following export of vendors from Aleph and Resources/Organizations from CORAL for ERM Go-Live.ed