Creating a new invoice from an order
  • Rough draft
  • Creating a new invoice from an order

    You can create an invoice for Open status orders from within the Orders app using the Action menu.

    Note: Purchase order lines containing payment status values of “Payment not required” or “Fully paid” are not linked to a new invoice created through the + New invoice action.

    1. Search for the order for which you want to create an invoice and select it.

    2. In the Purchase order pane, select Actions > + New invoice

      FOLIO Orders app. Purchase order HCHC63773 is active. The Actions menu is open and New Invoice is selected.
      In the Orders app, when viewing an open purchase order,
      the +New invoice option is available in the Actions menu.
    3. In response to the Create invoice dialog prompt, “Do you want to create an invoice from this order?” click Submit. The Create invoice window opens.

      Pop-up window asks Do you want to create an invoice from this order. Active button defaults to Submit. Cancel button is also available.
      Create invoice confirmation pop-up prompt
    4. Follow the steps in Creating an invoice (FOLIO docs site) to complete the Create invoice window and click Save and close.
      The vendor chosen in the order is the vendor selected in the new invoice. Purchase order lines are linked as invoice lines.

    5. If the order contains more than one purchase order line, the Edit sequence of invoice lines window opens containing a table list of all purchase order lines related to the order. You can optionally drag and drop order line rows to rearrange them to match the vendor invoice sequence. When finished, click Save and close.

    6. Two green toast messages display to indicate that the invoice and invoice line(s) have been saved. The invoice line(s) are automatically created and link to the purchase order line from which you initiated the + New invoice action.

    Documentation adapted from FOLIO Docs at Creating a new invoice for an order