Smith DVD processing

Smith DVD processing

Last updated: 2023-09-28


DVD processing for Neilson DVDs

  1. Put disc(s) in appropriate case for number of discs.  On the jewel case, put the accession number at the top and the barcode beneath it. 

  2. Do a standard number search in WorldCat if the number can be found on the disc or case.  This narrows down your options.  If there is no standard number, do a title search, limiting it to date and material type.  Check for length, languages and a number on the bottom of the spine of the case.  This should narrow it down. Download a record when you find it.

  3. Search IMDB for the film title.  If there is an entry, copy the URL and paste it into the MARC SRS record, into an 856 42 $u field and add the following subfields:

    1. $y Connect to Internet Movie Database for more information. $5 MNS

  4. In the Holdings record, chose a Location based on the branch library where the DVD will live.

  5. For the call number, select Library of Congress for a type and use “DVD” as the Call number prefix.

    1. If this is a feature film, use the base call no. PN1997 and then cutter for the title.  Use Call number browse (filtered to the DVD location) to identify a cutter number that fits alphabetically into films titles we already have.

    2. If it is a television series the base call no. is PN1992.77.  You can see how the title fits in with the other television series.  If there are multiple seasons in the DVD collection you are processing, use the first year that the season appeared on TV for the year in your cutter.

    3. If it is not a feature film or t.v. series, (for documentaries and the like) use the call number supplied in OCLC if there is one.  Otherwise, use the subject headings provided to decide on a call number.

  6. In the Item record, the Material type is DVD/Blu-ray and the Permanent loan type is 4 weeks.

  7. Create Check in and Check out notes with the accession number, marked as Staff Only.

  8. If there are multiple discs, also include a phrase similar to “Check for 3 discs” in the Check in/out fields.  If there is a booklet or accompanying material, describe that there as well.


DVD processing for Josten DVDs

  1. Josten retains their cases. Place the barcode on the inside of the case in such as way that it is visible and can be scanned easily upon opening the case (typically on the upper left side corner of the right half of the case).

  2. Accession numbers are not used at Josten, so only include Check in and Check out notes when there are multiple discs or booklets to confirm.

  3. Documentaries and performances are the most common type of DVD for Josten, so it is unlikely that you will be classifying materials using the PN1997 range.


Apply the following note to films from the following companies

    540     $a Includes public performance rights $5 MNS

  • Bullfrog Films

  • Icarus

  • New Day

  • Women Make Movies

  • Third World Newsreel (TWN)

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