Lists Policies

Lists Policies

  • When you create a new list shared list, remember to prefix your list with your institution code (AC, MH, HC, SC, UM).

  • If you do not need to share your list with other users, make it private.

  • When you run your test query, if the number of results is very large (greater than 25K) please add additional criteria to reduce the size of the list

  • Please utilize five-colleges-test for any experiments with Lists

  • Be aware Lists is still undergoing development. Double check your results with other applications before using it for decision making. Lists queries may break between upgrades

  • The data you see will be for all Five Colleges unless you explicitly limit to your data. This is not always possible depending on record type.

  • A new list must have List information and a Query assigned to establish the record set for the list. A Test query must be performed before the query can be run and saved.

  • Users should refrain from running queries on data for which they do not have view permissions