IWG Rolling Agenda

IWG Rolling Agenda


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Ann

Present: Emma, Laura, Sara, Jaime, Colin, Lou, Jen, Ann


IWG update (discussion (facilitated by Jen [FIT liason])

  • TL;DR To effectively prep for go-live, we will need testing & evaluation of app interactions across functional areas, like orders/inventory or circulation/inventory, and for metadata work, cataloging practices and policy need to be aligned both for migration and for working in a shared system. IWG as currently structured doesn’t have the authority or the full expertise needed to manage those projects.

  • Cross-functionality with Inventory and other apps will be determined by the groups handling the other apps

  • FIT & Leads have agreed on a reorganization as we approach implementation.

  • Because we have a finite number of people with full workloads already, FIT and Leads have decided to create one group.

    • The first charge and responsibility will be the MM Working Group charge -- managing up to and through Go Live.

    • After launch, the group will continue as a FC committee (like our ERM colleagues) to handle the policy and governance needs of a shared catalog environment.

    • This is a mirror of FERM

  • Fuller background on reorganization process and history here, for anyone interested.

  • Laura has the list for the new metadata group!

    • Rachel Beckwith is FCLC Liaison

    • Members: Laura, Jen B., Colin, Sara, Ann and Sharon

    • Rachel will reach out to the group to set up the first meeting

    • Special collections was the only part that was not represented that was requested

      • Laura thinks that someone from the FCLC archives group would be a liaison to the group (let’s follow up on this if needed)

    • Lou is an “unofficial” IWG member--we will make sure she has information to continue attending as she desires

    • Emma is going to work with her supervisor at MHC to see if there is somewhere else for her to contribute. If she needs assistance, Ann suggested also contacting Leads to take part in CUFF or other appropriate group

    • Jaime is going to stick with all FOLIO Documentation all the time :)

      • Metadata responsibilities - items (probably not at first), holdings, bibs.

Iris sandbox updates


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Jen

Present: Sara, Ann, Emma, Jaime, Colin, Jen, Lou


  • Recordings: I’ve realized I’ve forgotten to post links for the past few meetings

    • No one has asked me for recordings

    • After surveying on Slack, I will disable the automatic recordings

    • Recordings can always be made on request and anyone can request that a meeting be recorded!

    • Request when needed -- just turning off automatic recording, and anyone interested can request (colleagues, etc).

  • Any issues, questions or comments regarding last month’s clean-up projects?

    • Nope? Slack if you have issues

  • Iris upgrade timeline for production has been pushed back slightly

    • This will move back our data load

      • Iris sandbox upgrade mid-July

      • Current data will migrate, new inventory data will come after theo’s vacation (all of august)

    • Will now happen post-Iris upgrade, at the end of the summer

    • Tentative promise (via Aaron & Anya) that sandbox data will be able to be transferred to the ‘dry run’ environment next Jan

    • Sara has an excellent proposal for the July meeting about reviewing Iris upgrade for new features (compare new environment with release notes).

  • Items with no holdings

    • These do not migrate into FOLIO properly

    • All items need to have holdings

    • Check your institution’s folder to clean up (AC/MHC/SC/UMA):

    • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UB3mNr5jZElEpI4ueLth_ekbgpolmgwi/view?usp=sharing

    • Ann is reaching out the RC as well

    • Can we have a few volunteers work on the DP spreadsheet? It’s around 200 items

      • Discussion about need to add holdings to legit no holdings records (open orders) just before migration - related issues like EAST LHR export

      • Smith has inverse - items w/o holdings - for special collections material. Colin will discuss @ smith and with steve about needs (both migration and workflows)

    • Reminder from last month’s discussion - 856s in bibs don’t need cleaning--just holdings records

  • Ann will work with Leads regarding tasks that need to be done/changed right before the freeze before migration

  • FOLIO-Discovery Task Group

  • FAWG meeting yesterday; Ann K. will try to attend regularly and would love for Inv and FAWG to meet together to work on app interaction areas. (see parking lot)

    • Cover records discussion area

    • Sara reviewed the packages feature in orders (not = ERM package) but once feature is functioning may be useful as cover/container type record

      • Watch June 3 FOLIO RMsig meeting for discussion with Owen and Dennis

    • Yesterday’s discussion in FAWG was around only a small fraction of records with ADMIN material type (which are not all cover-type records or even ACQ related)

  • Get some ARC reports for our suppressed bibs


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Jen

Present: Ann, Jen, Emma, Rebecca, Michelle, Sara, Colin, Jaime

  • Failed bibs--please fix your institution’s tab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1si7XyoKs5TdrE41hzMRTHV_hVXeNGs_bQLk_jc4Zut4/edit#gid=0

    • Sharon Domier can work on CJK titles at all 5C

    • Yellow highlighted ones were done by Sharon Domier

    • Most problems were 33x, languages, missing titles

  • Smith 952 follow-up

    • Leads have pushed for a decision log/tracking document. This has been added to the document and will be followed up on with the next load

    • 952s (in holdings) will be moved to a note field

    • Jaime shared that Confluence site will have a home for this.

      • Confluence has 10 seat limit for editing, so leads and Jaime will be managing/creating/building out. Everyone will have view access, though

  • Next load is July 15

  • 891 follow-up (Slack poll)

    • We have votes from UMA, AC, HC, MH--no 891 prediction pattern data wanted

    • SC - Colin consulting with Acq/Serials team at SC

      • Ann follow up with Colin

        • (Colin spoke to Lou/Glen after Ann had the slack chat below and confirmed that Smith doesn’t need the information currently in the 891 in the bib)

  • Question from Lou/Glen: The Bib. record 891 field for prediction patterns is relatively new. In our current Aleph environment, they are not useful, because Aleph generates expected item records based on similar information in 853 and 853X fields in the holding record. For recent OCLC overlays of serial bibs, I have stripped out the 891 fields if present.

    • Yes, this is correct. 891s in bib records don’t do anything for us. The larger question here is if an institution wants any holdings prediction pattern data (the 853) reconstructed into 891 data for bib records for historical purposes. This would be a custom solution and I would have to ask our developer if it’s even possible. We will not have any MARC holdings in FOLIO. We will be using FOLIO holdings. There is nowhere for 853 data to go in a FOLIO holding record and this data will be lost. If institutions needed this information, we needed to specify a place for it to go, and the bib record is the only solution. Colin can help answer Glen’s questions regarding FOLIO holdings records.

  • Question from Lou/Glen: Will FOLIO have the capacity to generate expected serial items and automatically populate item description fields using the bib 891 field prediction patterns? If not, of what practical use do these fields serve?

    • No, FOLIO doesn’t have any of this capability. The fields would serve no practical use except for historical data or to reconstruct at some point in the future **if an institution deemed it necessary. For the record, none of the other 5C wants/needs to keep this information.

  • Question from Lou/Glen: Each of the Five-Colleges has different conventions for both describing and marking serial pieces. The prediction pattern we set-up & use, therefore is based on those conventions. How would this be accommodated in FOLIO if there was just the one set of 891 fields in the Bib?

    • The short answer is that FOLIO has no serials functionality of any kind at this time, and may not for some time in the future. The 5C is exploring putting together a serials working group who would sort through serials functionality, etc. when it is necessary (also for those who need it. Not all 5C will be using any future serials functionality that is developed in FOLIO). So my questions regarding this 891/853 data is purely to see if I can work with the developer IF one of our colleges needed it. I currently have no elegant solutions to offer--really no solutions at all, but want to make sure I hear everyone’s voices and try to address any concerns. I may not be able to do much of anything!

  • 5XX in holdings records

  • Holdings 856 clean-up

  • Reminder that MARC documentation from LOC is what FOLIO uses for its validation rules.

  • 880s troubleshooting

    • From Jennifer Eustis: I just heard back from Ann Marie about the 880s. Apparently everything is being accounted for. From AM: all the 880 fields are taken into account in the default MARC-Instance mapping. We had to do some special handling for the 100/110/111/245 fields. The rest are handled just like the MARC field in the $6 of the 880 would be handled. I just added a video explaining the mapping and demonstrating with a MARC file from U Alabama. See https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nxZ450PIQJgSnqrL9B5s6-eSrzaeGBE2/view?usp=sharing

    • Ann is investigating this because not all 880s are mapping. Only 1XX and 245 specially handled 880s are showing for us

      • Resolution: looks like this has been handled for Iris

      • Put on decision log and check on next load



Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Colin

Present: Ann, Colin, Emma, Rebecca, Michelle, Jen, Sharon, Lou, Jaime, Sara

Data load working meeting
  • Review data

  • Find problems and/or possible errors

  • What questions do we have for Ann to solve or bring to Leads?

  • Item mapping: https://github.com/5-C-Folio/migration_reports_FSE/blob/master/mapping_files/item_mapping.json

    • Item description + enum are being addressed in the next load

  • Holdings mapping: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ac95azO1R41_PGkeLhc6uybAKcfpe6XLyd9-F4jqoTo/edit#gid=1891035698

    • Note: 5C is using the community map without customization to ingest our data and create FOLIO holdings. We are not maintaining MARC holdings.

    • Jennifer helping run reports on a handful of game-breaking migration errors - Ann will reach out if she needs our help with cleanup

  • Things we are finding!

    • Effective call number string contains Enumeration, Chronology, Volume

      • Probably just want the Volume field (sans the extra enum from the last load)

        • Need volume information in EDS (and enum and chron are rough fits) - once we have a pipeline to EDS, we need to figure out the best field for this human-readable item description

          • Test in the Year, caption field

        • Also want to make sure that it displays well in FOLIO

    • Enumeration (and chron) fields are a combination of multiple Aleph fields concatenated together. We are losing the serial/periodical functionality from Aleph, so how do we want this info to migrate into FOLIO?

      • Colin is worried about trying to map things out of a historical Aleph file several years down the line. He proposes putting all of our enum and chron values into the FOLIO fields, but using commas to separate values or some other machine-readable format. He want to make sure that we can migrate these values into FOLIO and leave Aleph behind, but still be able to unpack the values if there is more functionality

        • Sara on prediction patterns - could we tuck this info into the bib (not mapping it to an Instance field) so that we can unpack it later, if/when functionality arrives?

    • Call# prefix in holdings and items

      • Items prefix not mapped to a separate item field - holdings are!

      • Michelle’s strange Oversize example: 310183630696064

        • Aleph has the $k, but we’re not sure where the duplicate “Oversize” is coming from

        • 310183610078858 is an example with a DVD prefix that is working well

    • Record counts when searching for collections are bad. This is a known Inventory item, and Charlotte is hoping that Elasticsearch will fix this. We can’t search in FOLIO and hope that

      • Also a thing in WMS

        • “It was built for speed, not for accuracy.” -OCLC

    • We don’t need to create items in Aleph for records that don’t have them. Searching might be wonky right now, but it will improve due to some larger-FOLIO group work that is happening for Iris

    • Due date is really hard to see when looking at the item grid!

    • CJK materials

      • Same problems as everyone else - sucks to not be able to search on the vernacular (Sharon is more concerned with bound-withs)

    • Can’t search with diacritics in a string in FOLIO - you can search for the title if you drop with diacritics.

    • For future reference: receiving on holdings record as demoed by Chicago




Time: Cancelled


  • Searching by the ALEPH number in FOLIO

    • Search by 9 digits is required (so include the leading zeros)

    • Elastic search may solve this problem


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Colin

Present: Ann, Colin, Emma, Laura, Jen, Sara, Lou, Jaime



  • Future meeting consideration: Aleph Item Statistic

    • It looks like we only need a few of these codes. Where do these belong in FOLIO moving forward?

    • Old codes mapped to custom item note called “Aleph Item Statistic”


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Jen

Present: Ann, Jen, Emma, Colin, Laura, Sara, Aaron, Jaime

  • Thanks for all the clean-up work!!!

    • Questions?

      • Smith’s locations are updated

  • General announcements from anyone?

    • Single record export: Aaron tested; Colin & Ann attended the demo session.

    • Recording: And the recording of our meeting is:

  • Second demo has been proposed.

  • Z39.50 being used vs OCLC APIs. (Index Data was one of the authors of the Z39.50 spec).

  • Aaron thinks he can create a command-line method for deleting records.

    • The API is implemented, there’s just no user interface.

  • Data load -- Aaron

    • Theo has the updated locations and loan type mapping. Ebsco staff are taking vacation before March-August implementation marathon. Will announce date with fanfare when known.

    • Folio Github (json):

    • Community mapping:

    • 5C Github:

  • E-resources in Inventory Task Group recommendation -- Ann

    • Final recommendation/report will go to FIT soon. Recommending the use of items for e-resources right now, with a planned re-evaluation after we’ve been live for a while.

    • Q&A

  • Reminder: 2/26 joint IWG/RMWG open house regarding metadata workflows

    • Please submit workflows if you have them

    • Most of our use case work from the end of summer 2020 does not have workflow information (they covered desired functionality)

  • FOLIO update -- Aaron


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Laura

Present: Ann, Anya, Aaron, Laura, Jen, Colin, Jaime, Emma, Sara

Holdings record 590 notes -- Deadline 1/29/2021





  • We will be getting Honeysuckle at the end of next week

    • Snapshot was taken for sandbox. Snapshot for production will be in January.

    • Another new test data load in January

    • Joint meeting with RMWG after next load


  • Iris

    • Release will come in May rather than March

    • This would remove the July release (Juniper would come in November instead)

      • But this was not approved--stay tuned

    • EDI and Inventory Search index improvements are critical and were in danger of not being included


  • Initiating an Order in Inventory

    • We have moved up this ranking to a 2

    • Pre-order searching could live in Inventory

    • UXPROD-961



Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Present: Ann K., Jennifer E., Jen B., Rebecca H., Emma B., Rachael S., Sara C., Jaime T., Lou B., Aaron N., Michelle P., Laura E., Colin V.


Joint IWG/RMWG meeting to review recent data load with merged records.


  • Filter by campus/library location -- Aaron will write the Jira and Anya will take it up the chain

  • Usability issues

    • We encouraged members to join the Slack channel and keep a log of issues so we can suggest future enhancements

    • We’d like to encourage more usability testing, particularly of the three panes, etc.

    • Can we loop in some of our 5C usability people?

  • Known item search is difficult, known item by title is incredibly difficult

    • It doesn’t search items or holdings records, only instances

    • Search by “suppressed from discovery” is difficult to identify records due to the off-gray color

    • Search by OCLC number and by old Aleph sys numbers in Keyword requires leading zeros to be accurate (no leading zeros may return zero results or multiple matches)

  • Alternative Title search issues (known issue according to Anya)

  • Scrolling through items

    • Multi-volume sets, in order to get to location etc. you have to open each item or holdings

  • With multiple Items listed, sort is by barcode not by enumeration

  • We checked titles with multiple East commitments

    • Good news! Multiple East notes show in the Instance record

  • Aaron has heard that it’s a possibility that Inventory could be split into a metadata view and a circ view

    • We are not sure if this is true--STAY TUNED

  • Will there be an Aleph tag or note to show that a record has been sent out for merge?

  • Notes

    • What notes go where?

  • Added feedback:

    • Diacritic searching issues

    • When will this be solved?


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Colin/Ann

Present: Ann, Aaron, Laura, Rachael, Colin, Jamie, Sara, Jen, Michelle


Ann: overview of OCLC single record import (10-15 min.)

  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CVPkiXiT2feYWyKdt9zyFU5aqym_4-pUugpVkRes_RI/edit#

  • https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/jq20hVSr7lhasdJ_L5VAUN8a5xcxLtnJQVx-ABBAL6sbUpWuyxLkQiKajCzVqrQE.NTJBzibgx9NAhcuq (Passcode: S056hxO^)

  • Q&A (15 min.)

  • Small group that met to discuss requirements in late September

  • Import into FOLIO (not an export from Connexion - schools ponied up cash to make this happen, so they drove priorities)

  • Helper app for Inventory (so separate, but needs inventory to work)

    • How fragile is this kind of development?

    • Creating these kinds of apps because MARCcat is not viable, and european schools are not MARC-based

    • UI for other helper apps stinks

    • Could this be folded into MARCcat later? Will it continue to float by itself (and perhaps be left behind at some later point)

  • Good for copy cataloging, but an extra step for original cataloging

    • What if you just missed a record in FOLIO - Aleph lets you know when you are bringing in a dup.

  • New dev team for MARCcat

  • What about skyriver? Yeahhhhh… We’re not thinking that far in advance

Colin: overview of Data Import and hopefully some conversation of how this works with or effects Inventory (10-15 min.) (like an hour - he didn’t stop talking)

  • https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Vgx5wyPIFlBfckuazSybOgkQgoDDby5y4JDKzJVb24Y/edit Charlotte’s diagram showing Inventory and SRS interactions

  • You can find meeting notes for Data Import here: https://wiki.folio.org/x/TgDQ (you have to log in to see attachments)

  • These videos show the current state of data import functionality - let me know (or just reach out to Ann Marie Breaux - she is super friendly) if you can’t access this Drive : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/10lwqsEWcWS6fSSYpOEUbkhCtH7Q2tFx3

  • Colin has been working on developing functional requirements. Right now DI has been in active live use import at some of the schools

  • They’ve been making sure that it suits our core functionality

  • Live demos from Ann-Marie (Colin will send)

  • MarcCat is a human way of interacting with SRS, Data Import is for “machines”--it will match on an instance, save to SRS

  • Lots of short videos to show how to do a specific thing--Colin will share

  • It mostly lives in Settings

    • Select Data Import

    • See Profiles and “Other” (shows file extensions allowed and MARC field protection)

    • Jobs are made of matches and actions

    • Matches are going to find something in a file and match to something in FOLIO

    • Actions include overlays, etc.

    • Field mapping understands MARC, Instances, Holdings and Items

    • Job profiles can get as complex as we need them to be--we can have cascades of actions and matches

    • Field mappings--MARC transformations being considered as well

  • Can see the JSON after import

  • Data Import currently working on a log

  • OCLC Single Record Import log would be a part of the DI log

  • Permissions between DI & OCLC single record import--who gets what permissions?

  • Error messages? Being speced for the log

  • If we make changes to MARC, we are reliant to the Marc to Instance mapping for Inventory

  • If we update something in an Instance record, we are really updating the Marc behind it

  • Merged file will be in Goldenrod by Friday

    • We will do an in-between meeting with RMWG and IWG to play with this merged file and ask each other questions

    • Once the file is in, we’ll figure out scheduling

    • Ann and Jennifer will do a townhall meeting (for other FOLIO people or people who haven’t seen FOLIO yet) where they will demo inventory, and see some merged records

      • Anticipated after thanksgiving

  • Charlotte is demoing Inventory things for the next two weeks in Explore

    • See Anya’s comment in Explore Slack channel on October 19: For this week - does anyone have any records for serials handling, and especially split of series -can you then send me MARC records of a given journal with holdings, and item data, which the library would like to split. I will be sending them to Charlotte.”

      • Message charlotte and anya to figure out what a split means

  • Honeysuckle Bugfest

    • Email Anton if you need to get into testrails and have an expired license to the application

  • Anya will be sending Ann the homework from Magda regarding Data Export. I may need feedback on items, which I will post to Slack when applicable.

  • Slack comments/questions:

    • Colinvanalstine I had a thought about single-record import after the fact. Abigail from Smith special collections was on the call, and asked about how to handle local fields. Right now we can create or heavily modify a master record in Connexion, save your changes, and add local fields (using macros or text strings) and then import into Aleph, without saving those local fields to the WorldCat record.

    • All the work happens in Connexion and you don't need to open up the bib in Aleph in this case.

    • Colinvanalstine To replicate this in FOLIO with the 'request record from WorldCat' direction, you would need to make all your edits in Connexion, save, go to FOLIO, import, open the FOLIO record in QuickMARC, and then add the local fields to FOLIO. Just a few steps more, and you won't have native text string or macro support. We can probably move some Connexion macros to something like AutoHotKey if needed.

    • It just means that you won't be able to get around making edits in FOLIO if you want to do something specific to our record.

    • Jen Bolmarcich Just some adjacent thoughts about OCLC and data maintenance. @colinvanalstine Has there been any discussion of setting holdings in OCLC as part of the workflow?

    • If one still starts in Connexion, not really a problem, but if someone is just pulling records into FOLIO, how will we all ensure that our holdings stay relatively up-to-date?

    • And related, once we have lots of merged records, if more of our processing/accessioning is adding holdings to instances, how do we build in holdings maintenance to regular workflows? Maybe a scheduled data export job going back to OCLC?

    • Colinvanalstine @Jen Bolmarcich I don't think that it has been considered at all. I'll bring it up with the single record import group. I'd personally rather rely on an export from FOLIO, just so we only have to keep one system up to date. (I'd also love to get regular imports of updates to WorldCat records, while we're at it.)

    • Jen Bolmarcich It would be great to have that be a set of scheduled jobs. Any convos in bib merge about shared practices for local holdings records (thinking about EAST at the moment)?


Data Export conversation




Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker: Ann

Present: Rebecca Henning, Ann Kardos, Jen Bolmarcich, Laura Evans, Patty Wanninger, Jaime Taylor, Theo Tolstoy, Raegan Wiechert, Rachael Smith, Lou Bouley, Aaron Neslin, Colin Van Alstine


Raegan Wiechert from MSU is back to talk to us about Goldenrod Inventory and quickMARC

  • MSU also talking about Goldenrod and Inventory at MM-SIG tomorrow. Talking with a systems person and someone else as well.

    • They are not yet able to overlay

    • quickMARC designed to be a workaround for not having MarcCat yet

      • It works well for what it does

      • But it is not the same as MarcCat--no validation, really need to pay attention

  • Questions:

    • What would happen if you made an edit to something that had a map over to Inventory?

      • It shows up and gets mapped. What you have is what you get. It’s basically immediate, sometimes it’s a couple of minutes.

    • What about to SRS?

      • A couple of seconds to update in SRS. It does take a while to repopulate and show up in Inventory.

      • There is a bug right now with refreshing?

    • What kinds of workarounds and how long do you think you’ll have these workarounds in place?

      • We can import records. But can’t overlay. Best match is going to be on HRIDs and has a list to overlay records later.

      • Can edit in quickMARC? Or do we want to wait to wait to overlay?

      • On Friday, rebuilding the dry-run environment and we’re hoping this will fix overlay problem

      • Possible problem in the upgrade from Fameflower to Goldenrod for some people (Patty)

    • When we have the releases and then the hotfixes, how are things all bundled back up into the core project?

      • The hosting team doesn’t want to roll out the major release until they can “harden” it. Goldenrod was sub-optimal from a systems point of view, and the release wasn’t quite ready and we ended up pushing out a lot of hot fixes. We want to do continuous releases in the future. We need to improve our processes regarding hot fixes.

      • There were two major changes in Inventory: pubsub and data import. SRS also had a major rewrite for Goldenrod. There were a lot of improvements in performance, but there have been issues. Pubsub is causing a lot of the issues for MSU.

      • quickMARC at one time worked and then stopped and had to be fixed

    • What is pubsub?

      • Functionality for something that happens somewhere (someone imports a MARC record, for example) and that event triggers other events in the system. In order for that to happen, you must have a queuing mechanism. Then the different modules that subscribe to the event go to the queue and take the tasks that are waiting in the queue and handle them in order. KAFKA!

    • In light of all these fixes, etc. how is training going?

      • MSU doesn’t have a ton of people. Raegan is doing the same training with the same few people a ton of times. She is trying to get across that the documentation that she’s making is for “right now.” It will change. Training is more like dealing with happening at the moment. Have to get across that certain things are being fixed, either soon or in another release.

      • MSU is currently not reporting their own tickets yet. They are posting questions and issues in Slack and folks are trying to figure out issues before reporting.

      • There is so little written documentation, it’s really hard to train.

      • When Raegan first got onto Slack in late 2019 or early 2020, she didn’t know where anything was. But now she’s comfortable with it and she asks questions. But when it comes to training and other discussions, Raegan forgets that she is the only one on Slack and she knows more. And she forgets that she is the only one that knows certain things. Others aren’t in the community or using the same terms.

    • Do you have a sandbox and have you used it for training or testing now that you’re in production?

      • Yes. They use for testing. Has not used for training at this point. It’s supposed to be a group login at MSU so she’s had a hard time sharing. She’s been testing due to the overlay problem. They’ve been doing this because you cannot delete in production.

      • Import has been hanging all her jobs and she’s had to restart, so she has tested this too.

      • Patty says you get a dry-run environment before you go live in a release. Raegan doesn’t want to get rid of hers at this moment because of their overlay issues. This is meant to be temporary.

      • 5C has a sandbox. Because we have ERM in production we now have a sandbox.

      • A dry run environment is not the same as a sandbox.

    • Do you feel better about your serials in the meantime?

      • No. MSU didn’t do item records for serials, and then they had check-in records. This was put off until the last minute and the records came over but they did so wonky. If there are a lot of gaps the records are out of order. Seasons stayed in code and didn’t get transferred into words so they need clean-up.

      • Check-in for on-going there is still no functionality. She doesn’t know how she will work with those items that are active.

    • How is display?

      • Catalog in EDS is from June. They keep harvesting but Theo finds bugs. (MSU is using an FTP load--they are waiting for OAI-PMH to do automatic updates. They are waiting for this) New stuff is currently not displaying at all. Some of it is just getting used to the differences.

    • Is the ultimate goal for the FOLIO/EDS connection to be instantaneous?

      • Yes. We are just not there yet.


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker(s): Jen

Present: Ann, Jen, Colin, Laura, Aaron, Rachael, Sara


Use case review

  • https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1A3NgtEpYajYUEt6QoixrIlfpD-WEnijL

  • Moved written use cases to spreadsheet to compare functions, JIRA tickets

  • Possibly check with Anya and/or Charlotte about where tasks fit into JIRA cases/stories

  • Use cases cover everything from UI to unbuilt functionality--need to prioritize by needs for day-to-day work

  • Ann, Colin, and Laura will review compiled data

  • Input from other working groups -- important to identify cross-domain challenges

    • Colin notes that MARCCat/QuickMARC apps don’t have their own wg; collaboration with BibMerge group will be needed to keep an eye on that development

  • 336 fix

    • $b subfield not required early on (still?); Ann added 336, 337, 338 for the 250K records to get them into Fameflower

    • Could be a cleanup need before actual migration

    • Many of the records aren’t good quality--more problems are likely, but at least they can be ingested.

  • Aleph serial workflows documentation/collection

  • Item record field survey

    • Jaime and Ann are doing item record field surveys (ALEPH and FOLIO, respectively) to create cross-mapping to ensure no data is lost

    • Focus is making sure there is a space for everything (OPAC note is prime example)

    • Overall review may bring in CUFF folks too

    • Sara discussed the importance of serials issues here too -- requesting parts, sorting, etc. Lots of messy data in those records. Fixes are both straight clean-up work as well as migration preparation. The field survey will be important for the 2d half.

    • Aaron gave a quick review of FOLIO notes app and how it interacts across domains/apps. Discussion about actionable vs passive notes (circ notes, opac notes in ALEPH are functional [circ pops ups to staff at check-in/out; opac display for users]).

  • Goldenrod acceptance testing

    • Sandbox will have all the inventory, etc. Aaron will make logins later this week and will let us know when it’s available for use. No formal plans or need for acceptance testing, but if problems are apparent, please communicate.

  • Prepare for Raegan’s visit next month

    • September 16th visit to discuss Goldenrod and QuickMARC. Consider questions and discussion topics beforehand.


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker(s): Laura

Present: Ann, Jen, Aaron, Laura, Michelle, Sara, Jaime, Colin



  • Announcements

    • Jen replacing Rob as FIT liaison

    • Paul will be consulting as necessary

    • Michelle will be consulting as necessary(?) Or maybe not if Colin is needed on Dewey project at Smith immediately

  • Discuss Raegan’s visit

    • What do we need to take away from Missouri’s experience?

    • MSU collection very different from ours; would be helpful to hear from other large, complex institutions; who’s going live next?

    • Also would be helpful to hear from someone on Goldenrod when our data is in Goldenrod

    • Maybe have Raegan come back when they are on Goldenrod and talk about how using inventory has changed

    • Future Explore sessions on Inventory?

    • Reagan mentioned not to overlook serials, especially as Folio apps have been designed around monographs

      • Maybe once we move to goldenrod, can create serials test/survey to get feedback from serials people across 5C/across apps

  • Use cases

  • We have 7 million+ records in FOLIO!

    • Overview of inventory report from Theo

      • Report shows how many bibs were parsed and converted to instance records; also unmapped marc tags

      • If you create a new location let Aaron know

      • Would like to get a new report when our data is moved to Goldenrod

      • Question about mapping “legacy” aleph locations to folio locations; Aaron will reconcile the locations and start these conversations in future


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker(s): Colin

Present: Ann, Colin, Suzanne, Laura, Michelle, Anya, Jen, Sara, Rachael, Raegan, Jaime, Paul, Aaron

Zoom recording: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/rec/share/velNK6r5139JR6PX93vBZaV9ENvbaaa81XIc8_YIyEkkTZJKxpc_WA6_U6bUljwS


  • Quick updates:

    • FIT representative

      • Rob stepping back as FIT rep - replacement TBD

    • Full record load for Goldenrod, goal is by the 30th before Theo goes on vacation

      • I’ll get a report and we’ll have some to do items (both for him and probably for us)

      • Things gonna break

    • Use cases and any workflows (for now) due by the end of July so that we can think about acceptance testing parts of Goldenrod

    • Bugfest

      • Explore session this week is also on Bugfest (good intro, check this out if you haven’t been on a previous bugfest)

      • Ann, Suzzane, Jen, and Michelle are all participating

    • Item material type conversation

      • Looks like there will now be two different lists in Inventory and Acquisitions

      • 5C is putting together a small cross-functional group to figure this out for us

        • This group will figure out how this will impact us if we have different lists in different apps

        • Checking impact on other apps too (ERM, loan rules, etc)

    • OCLC number searching update

      • Want to be able to search by number only, and to have it indexed as part of keyword as well as identifier searching - Charlotte is working on a JIRA ticket

  • Welcome Raegan Wiechert from MSU who will talk to us about implementing Inventory!

    • Came from Sierra

    • Leaving the consortia (right now the consortia members must be on Triple I)

      • Going to miss the people, but will enjoy having a single catalog to focus on

      • “Awards for creative cataloging”

    • Very tight timelines for implementation (less than a year) and a lot of time was spent on implementing EDS

      • Still some interesting FOLIO - EDS interactions (like “suppress from discovery” and public/staff notes - both of which are being ignored)

        • Suppressed records have to be removed manually from the FTP file by Theo - OAI-PMH times out, so not viable for FOLIO->EDS right now

    • Don’t leave your serials until the last minute

      • Check-in records being used for serials and for multi-part monos (might not be needed for these materials)

    • Not a ton of use of Inventory yet - can’t update MARC records in Fameflower, so waiting for Goldenrod - workflows will come later

      • Going to focus on holdings and items until August

    • What kind of testing did you do?

      • Repurposed the Chalmers and bugfest tests - stuck to cataloging workflows (ERM is under Acq at MSU)

      • Test loads were telling

        • Identified some materials that used statuses instead of locations (bindery and new book)

        • Everything had non-circulating loan types (cleaning that up now)

        • Needed item records for non circulating items (those were not getting items in the plan) so that notes in the items would display - might move the data at some point

      • Pick your battles - less popular formats and non circulating items are second tier to issues in more popular materials

    • Migrated open orders and received-but-not-paid

      • Not ordering anything until July, after the EoFY is resolved

      • Will figure out the Acq->Cat workflows then

        • For instance, will you need to create items when creating orders?

    • Easier to focus on FOLIO when pandemic takes away the regular workflows (hear, hear!)

    • Just make a decision! Don’t compromise to make everyone happy and create labyrinthian workflows.

      • Also, don’t just do things the way you used to do them!

    • A lot of functionality is missing at this point. Will we get dates around MARCcat tomorrow?

    • Metadata errors that really break FOLIO

      • Language codes

      • 336 (maybe not the other 3xxs?)

    • Discovery angle - how did the move to EDS go down with everyone in the library?

      • Only had the OPAC previously, so excited to have a discovery layer - public services loves this

        • It was a fast turn-around time, so lots of work had to be done on documentation

    • Who/what have you forgotten to consider while implementing?

      • Statuses - does cataloging own it or does circ?

      • Inventory is not a bib record - it will be used by non-catalogers

        • Have to figure out what is important enough to have in inventory and what can we live with being just in the MARC

        • Think of what would be in an OPAC display

        • Think of scale - if the field is only in a few records, should we build it in?

      • Permissions are interesting

        • Who can edit what and who has the authority to make that decision

        • Does circ need quickMARC?

        • Cataloging needed view in Acq for order/receiving info to find out where things go

      • Figure out what you are doing with your holdings and items!

    • Inventory only records?

      • If there is no MARC, a record won’t go into EDS

      • Export group is working on how to convert non-MARC into MARC to load it into EDS

    • Bound-withs are not a huge set at MSU - no connection between title changes and whatnot - most are in special collections and don’t circulate

      • They do have guides that are linked to multiple items - those didn’t come over well (but low circ on the guides)

    • Any special collection collections that are cataloged both at the item level and the collection level?

      • Books generally separated from papers when a new gift is accessioned


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker(s): Sara

Present: Ann K. (UMass), Jen B. (Hampshire), Aaron Neslin, Sara Colglazier, Michelle Paquette, Laura Evans, Colin Van Alstine, Anya Arnold, Suzanne Karanikis, Rachael Smith, Jaime Taylor

Zoom recording: Recordings of Meetings will expire after a given amount a time now per Zoom. So if any meeting recording should be kept long term then Ann will need to know so that she can download it and save it separately.


Today’s recording is at https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/rec/share/_5wqFOvB-WdJTIHgq13bW7JwEdzVeaa8h3NP-vINzU-AgmtMu0OUosdpbPh4M0vt


Welcome Jen Bolmarcich, new Systems and Discovery Librarian at Hampshire!!!


  • FIT/Leads meeting update

  • How did the Edelweiss testing go?

    • Suzanne, Jaime, Colin and Aaron tested our tenant

    • Feedback and comments collected: Jaime found that things were not completely stable and is concerned that one day it works, and on another it did not, which makes it hard to then to know whether it is or not working, and how to communicate this. … Anya and Aaron ask please to always document (esp. like date/time) intermediate/inconsistent problems like this since it is hard otherwise to track down later. … Colin: Lot of the search testing. Straight forward mostly. Encountered some problems around copying/pasting, or see long strings. He made a short video of one of the problems he encountered. … Suzanne: some things worked, some not. She documented with examples on the spreadsheet. … Anya: tests very functional, would be good to make more specific to us Five Colleges, rather than generally functional.

    • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l1RVeYsSJU3QRf-55yJI72axXflWxLpI/edit#gid=145174010

  • Wrike

    • Anya and FIT relaunching in Wrike; Ann to use with timelines and to-dos

    • What’s currently “Accepted”--which comes before Approved and/or Completed

    • I will be reviewing outstanding data and tasks regularly with Anya and Aaron

      • We’ll be doing this to review what’s been done and queuing up what comes next

      • Walk through tasks; document decisions; keep track what has been accepted, approved, completed--tied to timelines in line with other Apps and people in other Working Groups etc. where cross-App dependencies exist

      • People will get tagged and emailed from Wrike when they are assigned tasks etc.

  • Data Import and Data Export SIGs

    • Who is on these groups: Sara is on Data Export; Colin will be joining Data Import and Data Export; and Jaime can take over for Colin after Amelia starts

    • Who can be on these groups--see above

    • We need folks to act as consultants and help guide Inventory decisions related to these apps

    • How does our current data map affect both of these Apps

  • Use cases

    • We need to collect use cases

    • Some people have already been working on this

    • We need use cases from every single IWG member, plus other groups outside of IWG that will be using Inventory

    • Use cases needed for: course reserves, stacks, circ, acquisitions, metadata, archives

    • Anya & Aaron: important to make local, for acceptance testing out of which documentation can come as well as uncovering gaps and functional things relevant to us specifically that are missing and still need to be added. Esp. as single tenant multi-library implementation we are weird and so we need to figure out by way of use cases and testing for our workflows what ALL we do and need to do in the system.

    • Tips to help create feedback

      • Have an interactive Zoom call where one person is “driving” and the other person is narrating the task

      • Even if one person is doing the task, have them narrate aloud and record it

  • Ann and Susan Kimball (Circ/Users, now CUFF) presented at a virtual All-Access All-Staff event on May 13

    • Google form: https://forms.gle/vLvxQdGSKyuxEdGD7

    • Demo of Inventory, included breakout sessions and Q&A

    • I created a user feedback form and sent out to FCLIB and my department

      • Ideas?

      • Use a June 13th/15th deadline



Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711

Notetaker(s): Suzanne

Present: Ann, Suzanne, Anya, Aaron N., Michelle, Paul, Sara, Rob, Laura, Jaime, Rachael, Colin

Zoom recording: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/rec/share/1OUrIav-90lJG5Xx9hzaUJUMQ5vCT6a80SUWq_QOxEh_dJNj9vHkTTYzcrXi2m_B


  • Each time we load data into our tenant, Ann now gets a report that she goes over with Aaron to see what went well, what needs to be looked at and where do we need IWG to focus

  • Reviewed and completely redone mapping

    • Ann discovered that we used an incorrect MARC mapping to base our Inventory mapping on (we are not the only ones…)

    • Ann and Colin reviewed this VERY FAST last week and updated according to the FOLIJET map

    • This has already been posted to Aaron and Theo

    • It will be used when we upgrade our tenant to Fameflower

    • This new mapping does not affect our Edelweiss tenant

  • We will start testing Edelweiss in earnest soon!

    • Anya pulling Chalmers user acceptance testing

    • Anya is taking Chalmers’ data from Test Rails and is moving it to 5C Test Rails and setting it up so that anyone can test whether they have a Test Rails account or not.

    • Anya should have an export and test session by the end of the week.

    • We should test until the next meeting, Anya wants bug fixes before Fameflower is live

    • 5C Fameflower: to be installed first week of May, best case scenario.

    • It’s ok if you don’t have the capacity to test right now!

    • This is the best data load yet. Holdings and material types are there, but missing loan types.

    • Ann may ask to partner with Circ/Users on this

  • Ann met with Record Merge group, how can Inventory members help with MARC data cleanup?

  • Rachael -- Circ/Users met for the first time

    • We had provided a shortened list of item material types

    • Thought that might show up in Edelweiss

  • We need user stories from circ, reserves and discovery

    • Suzanne, Rachael, and Jaime, will contribute.

  • Holdings mapping may be done soon as well

  • Ann will begin doing demos for UMass tech services colleagues in the next few weeks and collecting user stories

  • Bug Fests

    • Ann, Michelle, and Aaron have participated

    • Tests are becoming more user friendly

    • Some inventory tests have were hard/not intuitive because they involved circulation.

    • Anya wants circ users to test inventory next round:

    • in my workflow, does this make sense?

  • Announcement: Hampshire has a systems librarian! Jennifer Bolmarcich starts 4/27/20

  • Next meeting: May 20



Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom (Join URL: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711)

Notetaker(s): Someone from Amherst

Present: Ann, Rachael, Suzanne, Paul, Sara, Colin, Laura, Michelle, Jaime

Zoom recording: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/rec/share/yZ1KHanU9FxIHNaT6RzfeIAZIo64aaa8gSUf_KBbnh0IE2YnUqrXoU4a1HvR1OKn


  • Item Material Type subgroup? Any updates?

    • Rachael - Item Field Task Group completed a first pass of: Item Material Types suggestion from Inventory. Task Group is being cautious in their assessment. Suggested FOLIO Item Material Types have been updated. Major changes include breaking ‘Media’ into ‘Audio media’ and ‘Video media’ and separating ‘Periodicals/Journals/Serials’ from ‘Physical print’

  • Review of each project

Review UA/FC Mapping (Ann, Laura, Michele, Sara)

  • See: FC Marc-to-Instance Summary FINAL

  • – 60 new fields have been added by the community since our original mapping

  • – none of the FC mapping data has been added to our FOLIO version. FC mapping should show in Edelweiss.

  • – FC mapping will follow the default community mapping which maps almost everything. FC mapping exceptions are noted in red highlights. The decision to follow community mapping which maps almost everything was made since this should make it easier for us to determine what is not needed and then turn things off. Once we know what the default mapping looks like we can make a determination of what works for us.

Bib Mapping Project (Colin, Jaime, Rachel, Suzanne, Paul)

  • See: Bib data analysis (2020-01-15 to 2020-02-19)

  • Inventory records for each institution categorized by material type were reviewed and issues with display were identified.

  • Colin has written a document which thematically categorizes the problems found with Inventory records (e.g., missing fields (notes, alternative titles, preceding/succeeding titles); incomplete fields (language), etc.)

  • The hope is that once our data is in Edelweiss many of the issues we are seeing in Daisy will be resolved.

  • Until we have Edelweiss we cannot submit tickets to correct errors and request improvements.

  • What went well?

    • Until we can see our data in Edelweiss, we will not be able to assess how well our mapping is working or view the actual display of our Inventory records

    • Sara C had us look at Folio snapshot which shows recent FOLIO developments. Inventory records here show much improvement over the Inventory records we are seeing for the Five College Daisy version. Seeing these newer developments is encouraging.

    • https://www.fivecolleges.edu/libraries/folio (Login: diku_admin / admin)


  • Roadblocks?

    • We need to be able to see items and holdings at other institutions

  • Edelweiss expectations

    • The records from Daisy will be loaded into Edelweiss

      • I will test these to see what differences exist between the Daisy and Edelweiss data (is Colin willing to do this with me?)

    • All the bib records will then be removed from the tenant

      • We will get a new sample file that will be loaded according to our map and our Settings & Reference Data

    • Update from Aaron Neslin: “On Friday (2/15), Anya let us know that the issues updating our tenant to Edelweiss were due to their attempts to move our bibliographic data over as well. Our hope was that in doing this Ebsco could figure out the process for updating a large library. But they ran into problems that required additional developer work. Since any scripts designed to update from Daisy to Edelweiss will be obsolete for all future updates (This is unique for Daisy -> Edelweiss), it didn’t make sense to delay the update further. The update is currently in process, with the hope that it will be completed before the end of the this week. It will then be populated with a random, representative sample of bibliographic data suitable for testing.”

  • Round two of projects:

    • Catalogers/Metadata people will test the MARC to Inventory data

    • Non-catalogers will write use cases

      • Why are you using inventory?

    • These projects will start sometime at the end of Feb/beginning of March

  • Announcements:

    • Ann is presenting an Inventory overview/what is IWG working on at the 5C All Access All-Staff

    • Anya will be leading our next meeting on Wednesday, March 18 @ 1pm


Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom (Join URL: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/571590711)

Notetaker(s): Colin

Present: Michelle P., Rob O., Aaron N., Colin V., Suzanne K., Rachael S., Sara C., Anya, Laura

Zoom recording: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/rec/share/6cwpdq-p1UxJWtaOyX2YGY5-EdXXT6a81ncW-vYImU09slK6se8OcQIzzlJzWp-J





  • New structure to jumpstart group

    • Reporting out and working on projects (two initial projects for January)

      • Projects might be interwoven, but there are two distinct work products that we need to leave with

    • Need to coordinate informally more often to keep this moving

  • FOLIO timeline update

    • Project goals, overall project timeline, five college implementation timeline…

      • E-resource app (and related apps) implementation this summer, all other apps (including Inventory) in summer 2021 (or sooner)

  • January projects (need to be done by February meeting)

    • Review mapping changes

      • There is a community MARC map, but we have our own flavor

      • Is there anything that we need that is different? (additional to the proposed mapping from September)

    • Bib mapping project

      • questions that we need to answer

        • How did the data in the bib file translate into FOLIO?

          • (comparing our MARC display to the values that are translated into Inventory)

        • Does this appear correctly?

        • Are there missing values that are not showing up in FOLIO

          • How are these things ranked in order to prioritize development work?

          • (could be the result of a mapping issue, a conceptual difference between MARCcat and Inventory, etc)

      • Reminder - Inventory is not a cataloging tool - we need to have enough information for identification of a resource

      • Reviewing Daisy, so create a testing process that can be rolled out quickly for Edelweiss

      • Sample set from different locations

        • Random sample?

        • MarcEdit has a ‘Export Random’ within the Select MARC Record function

    • Project assignments

      • Laura - mapping

      • Suzanne - bib data

      • Rachael - bib data

      • Sara - mapping

      • Colin (point person) - bib data

      • Michelle - mapping

      • Jaime - bib data

      • Ann (point person) - mapping

      • Paul - bib data

      • Aaron - getting data for bib data


Time: 9-10am

Location: 5C Dining Room & Zoom

Notetaker(s): Rachael S.

Present: Suzanne K., Rachael S., Sara C., Jaime T., Aaron N., Laura E., Anya A., Michelle P., Colin V.

Zoom recording: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/gF5krbItM3SU6X_y0aMXDQ14ueKQFkeLLSv8Bpb-HEawIumekTziMw


  • Announcement: Jane P. retiring, last day will be this Friday (12/20). Possibility that she may be working part-time, but details are still being worked out and it does not look like she will continue involvement in committee work.

  • Our focus and schedule will change in the new year (30 min)

    • We need to switch to an afternoon time slot so that Anya and/or Steve can more easily join us

    • We will probably start by meeting monthly for the time being

      • We’ll do this at least through the winter (Jan-Mar?) and then reassess. If we find that we need to meet more often we can adjust.

    • Individual Leads will be joining us on a guest basis as needed--opportunity for them to update our group on their progress, make any needed asks from our group, etc.

    • We are shifting our focus onto testing

      • Per Anya: cataloging isn’t our current focus, but we still need to ensure that Inventory app is set up to work in the way we need it to. She’ll be calling on this group to look at mapping tables, do testing in our instance after data loads to see if things mapped the way we expected, work with Circ/Users WG as needed.

    • 3rd Wednesdays of the month @ 1pm

      • Next meeting: January 15th (following Ann’s planning meeting with Anya on 13th)

      • Ann contact 5C and reschedule room

      • Ann send out new meeting invite/reminders

  • Circ/Users wants to create a task force with IWG to work on cross-functions

    • Susan K. is considering a task force that would look at Material Type, Loan Type and Locations

      • Is this too much? Thoughts on scope. —makes sense since we all deal with aspects of these.

      • Who is the best member (or who are the best members) to represent us on this project? — RS&JT, who are already in both groups. Also need someone from each school, who knows that school’s metadata. Also AAG reps?

      • Ann K. already sent our very tentative item materials type to Susan, Anya & Aaron

      • Ann K. send membership to Susan K. on Slack

  • Locations - on the tenant tab

    • Anya needs eyes on the tenant tab of our Settings and Reference Data FCs sheet (linked above)

      • Review our own institution’s info for accuracy, focusing on columns G & H

        • MH -- Sara

        • Hamp -- Suzanne will ask Jane to take a look before Friday

        • UMass -- Jamie will look into things at UMass, find out who can make necessary decisions

        • Smith -- Michelle and Colin will review together

      • This data has been loaded into our FOLIO instance, so we can play around there to surface problems

      • Any questions can be brought to Anya directly

      • Complete by next meeting (1/15)

    • Old sheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NQ9pnzXbyil48jjXHL3Jw1UtESyn-n_Sg0CrpEOgw24/edit#gid=1700485988

  • SIG membership tally (please add your name to SIGs you participate in, and feel free to add SIGs to list too--this is not exhaustive list)

    • Metadata Management

      • Colin

      • Michelle

      • Laura

      • Sara

      • Ann

    • Metadata Export - MM SIG Subgroup

      • Sara

    • Resource Management

      • Patty

      • Sara

    • ERM Subgroup

      • Sara

    • User Management

      • Patty

    • Resource Access

      • Anya

      • Rachael

    • Reporting

      • Sara

    • System Operations and Management

      • Theo

    • Accessibility

      • KG

    • MARCcat - MM SIG subgroup (when it happens)

      • Ann

    • MARC to FOLIO instance/holding/item mapping (and vice versa) - MM SIG working group

      • Ann

    • Data Import - MM SIG subgroup

      • Ann (sometimes)

12/9/2019 (12/2 cancelled due to snow day)

Time: 9-10am

Location: Zoom https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/755070842

Notetaker(s): Jaime T.

Present: Ann K., Jaime T., Michelle P., Colin V., Laura E., Suzanne K., Sara C., Rachael S.

Recorded meeting available at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/ViIHQgY88xnNIt8-ozBVydQphgE4DRA87OurwIL0eDKwIumekTziMw


  • FERM Update: Anya was in town!

  • FAWG Update: Anya was in town!

    • Options for moving ACQ to FOLIO: concluded to migrate orders, but also keep them in Aleph for $

      • Need Aleph to pay

      • Link orders to FOLIO agreements

    • Prefix to distinguish between schools in single environment: two letter code+space

      • *cross app* not just Orders

  • RMWG Update: [nothing since 11/18 comments]

  • We will be discussing item material types in FOLIO and this preliminary mapping: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pPUy4n4yYzQvZU449ZiUgwqWlhGapoRnkOJRBFdI9r4/edit#gid=0

    • Where else do these matter? What about these vs. MARC, EDS pub types? Reporting? Circ rules?

      • Has no bearing on EDS pub type

      • This is *item* level, not bib

      • Grouping e-things for circ purposes, or separating them for reporting purposes?

    • Seeds, games & instruments in “unspecified”. What about kits? Sara to run kit ARC report. Also includes suppl for now.

    • “Electronic resources” for all online/non-physical

    • “Media” for all AV recordings? Check for feedback.

    • “Microform”? Get feedback. Currently in media.

    • “Physical print”: books, journals, scores, newspapers, gov pub(?), AC’s cards & prints, maps

    • Michelle to look into “artifact/object”

    • “Archival material”

    • “Admin” MH to stop using MUNC & Statistics only. Leaves Admin Record (BIB SUPPRESSED).

    • Ask Anya & Susan (circ/users) to comment.

      • ACTION ITEM: Ann will send out on Wednesday evening or Thursday

      • ACTION ITEM: Also send to Aaron Neslin

    • Rachael: Can two things with different loan types be under the same item material type?

      • 4 parts to circ rules: material types, location, patron, loan type

      • Could use more granular locations to circ a material type differently, but this may not be desirable. Smith wants more granular item types instead.



Time: 9-10am

Location: Asynchronous (please complete tasks on your own)



Time: 9-10am

Location: 5C Dining Room & Zoom

Notetaker(s): Hampshire

Present: Laura, Paul, Suzanne, Jane, Rachael, Sara, Jaime, Ann, Michelle, Colin

Recorded meeting available at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/fnrM1prHDWeL-AEzn73Rqp5siNuzb1aU5CJjIQ6SFuKwIumekTziMw


Join today’s meeting at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/363945147


  • Daisy update

    • Daisy is up and running


  • FERM update → what might affect us, especially regarding the new timeline?

    • Organizations

    • Need to get vendors from both Aleph and CORAL

      • Maybe invite Aaron to our meetings once he gets a big picture of all our FOLIO needs


  • FAWG update → what might affect us, especially regarding the new timeline?

    • What do we actually mean by Acquisitions being implemented?

    • Assumed just e-orders, because of connection to agreements, but does Acquisitions migration include print orders? If so, how do we do this without Inventory online?


Updates from FERM and FAWG are good, but we also need to be interacting with Record Merge (Colin and Laura are on that group) and AAG. AAG in particular, because of all the cleanup that needs to happen pre-migration.


  • Fill out the form/genre heading poll before 11/11

    • From Ann-Marie Breaux: Hi everyone, As promised at last MM SIG meeting, I've created a Doodle poll to determine how we will handle form/genre headings in the short term. Please share with your specialized catalogers who may use form/genre terms heavily (e.g. music, film, literary, archival catalogers). You'll see the three options, and a brief description of each. Please reply by Monday 11 November. Thank you!

    • https://www.doodle.com/poll/qz68rarcgsuptp3p



Time: 9-10am

Location: 5C Dining Room & Zoom

Notetaker(s): Amherst

Present: Ann, Paul, Laura, Sara, Rachael, Jane, Michelle, Anya, Rob

Recorded meeting available at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/sJ48U4owprBw5QJyeyW9YL3I7COU_Bwj2IMao8S6itQ


Join today’s meeting at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/799697851


  • FOLIO timeline update: Steve’s email and what that means for us

    • “The FOLIO Implementation Team met with the leads of the Five College Libraries working groups and representatives from FCLC earlier this week. We discussed the current FOLIO software development plan released by the FOLIO Product Council at the end of September and what we perceived as gaps in software functionality. Based on the pace of the software development and the set of features that will be available in early 2020 the Five College FOLIO Implementation Team has decided to focus our efforts on Electronic Resources Management and Acquisitions. The new plan we are developing will propose implementing parts of Electronic Resource Management and Acquisitions in FOLIO during the summer of 2020. The plan is to continue work on implementing the other modules with the goal of having all modules live by the summer of 2021. The FOLIO community will simultaneously continue to complete and add new features with we think are important for our implementation as a consortium. We plan on presenting a detailed project plan that reflects these changes later this fall.”



  • Chalmers Inventory Demo from Lisa

    • Lisa showed us how to add a holding and an item in Inventory

    • Chalmers only has one item material type: Physical item.

    • If something doesn’t display well in Inventory, they focus on getting it displayed in EDS (ex., call number suffix, volume numbers in items)

    • They migrated Sierra circ stats as Item notes

    • Advice: remember to test integration processes that are happening automatically (ex., their integration with national union catalog)

    • Lisa shared a screenshot of their circulation rules: https://files.slack.com/files-pri/TB1791TLP-FPP3SSXML/image.png



  • Wrike task: Create Mapping tables for material type from ILS to FOLIO

    • Material type will inform circ rules

    • FOLIO item material types in Inventory settings:

  • We do want to have generic/broad enough types

  • We will need to work with Circ/Users on some of this

  • Steve B. asks that we also think about what we may want to differentiate for reporting, even when the the circ rule might be the same

  • DP material types? Ann already has asked Steve B. about this

    • Settings → Tenant → Campuses → list of campuses

    • 5C Repository is a separate campus just like each college

    • Let’s not use material types to denote location--they need to be kept separate THIS IS JUST MATERIAL TYPE

    • It’s a ¼ of the stuff needed for circ rules (material type/location/circ type/patron group)

  • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17HhItgPSExlD5tgsWmlmIU9TxzSLsedaHThad0PzXwQ/edit#gid=0

    • Action item: Each of us go to our home institutions and ask “what do we do with this item material type in Aleph?” Partner with someone from Circ & Reporting to get the information we need. Ann will also reach out to Susan Kimball regarding Circ/Users thoughts and what do we need to think about already?

    • Can Anya show us Chalmers material types?

These are Chalmers loan types

Chalmers Circ Rules


Time: 9-10am

Location: 5C Dining Room & Zoom

Members present: Ann, Michelle, Jane, Jaime, Paul, Laura, Rose, Rob, Sara, Rachael

Notetaker(s): Jaime

Recorded meeting available at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/qC0V8OP8LXMIE3vyWaMe7B6NrmWWJ78iJb5czuaRZ1qwIumekTziMw


Join today’s meeting at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/363945147


  • Record Merge update (Laura):

    • At Record Merge open house, it was decided that Special Collections/Archives and records with STA fields would not be merged. We’re continuing to work on testing with Backstage.

    • Timeline for merge process depends on decisions about FOLIO go-live timing.


Follow-up: did people get their Wrike accounts? Yes.


  • Bugfest download: Ann, Michelle, Rachael and Sara were part of the most recent Bugfest. Anyone else?

    • Thoughts/comments on the process?

    • Difficult to set up, but using it wasn’t hard.

    • A lot of tests didn’t have clear instructions for how to carry them out.

    • Jira instructions for logging failed tests also hard to find, so some were not logged.

    • Question: what are POs doing with info from tests?


  • Anya Arnold from Ebsco is here again this week. Ann meets with her tomorrow as part of a larger meeting with the other team Leads and FIT. What questions do we have for Anya?

    • Bugfest testing

    • Ask Anya to join our next meeting on 10/21--send Anya calendar invite

    • Ask Anya about Chalmers material types--sent Anya message through Wrike

    • Steve B.--how many records don’t have 33X fields?



Time: 9-10am

Location: Zoom

Members present: Ann K., Michelle P., Rob O., Jane P., Rose R., Rachael S., Paul T., Suzanne K., Sara C., Jaime T.

Notetaker(s): Rose

Recorded meeting available at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/0qna2IT41BLKtDYQvKKevM3esJKGli_v_YJvAAsrcfc



Join today’s meeting at: https://umass-amherst.us/j/799697851


  • Record Merge update (Laura)

    • Record Merge is starting to test some merge/deduplication of records with Backstage. We’ve been working on gathering lists of locations to exclude from merge as well as general types of records (e.g., suppressed) to exclude. We’ll be submitting small sets to Backstage to test the deduplication process over the next few weeks.

  • Questions?



  • Wrike: https://www.wrike.com/open.htm?id=370758359

    • Where Anya puts the things that she wants us to work on

    • Action item: everyone will get a Wrike account to see our to-do’s

    • Working on an updated load into our FOLIO along with some configuration to sync the versions

      • Our FOLIO is not up to date with the current FOLIO version being worked on more broadly

      • With new load we will be updated to the stable snapshot version, but not have the newest stuff currently in dev.

    • This is where Anya communicates what needs to be done

  • Last week from the ERM SIG

    • Chalmers went live with the FOLIO ERM module in August and have demoed it in a few different SIGs: for FOLIO ERM SubSIG Call 2019-09-11: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17-AAS8JPMF77MIeRdDCqkIeD0ZO-WWP0

    • In RM SIG Anne Marie did a demo of ordering in the system as well (Kristin Martin explained no recording because: It turns out there was live patron information shared in the demo Ann-Marie did, so we are not going to make a recording available to protect privacy. I’ll get a note out to explain this.)

    • Action item: should watch the recording when it is released


  • Most recent sprint review, including information for acquisitions, inventory and data import. Inventory and data import demos start at minute 39. Information on the updated mapping around minute 42:

  • Bugfest

    • Many are involved in this testing; will have space in the agenda next time to update on what we’ve discovered or experienced through this testing

    • There are a lot of unknowns and some confusion around BugFest right now

    • As we continue on our FOLIO journey, Anya will likely have some local bug testing sessions as well


  • Homework:

    • Update on MARC to Inventory mapping

      • Michelle--collated comments due Sept. 6

      • Quick review by team--add/edit comments (24-48 hours for review period)

      • Ann--post to Wrike/Anya on Sept. 9

      • Differences between us and UA are mostly in whether we want subfields to show up rather than differing mappings

      • Done

    • Watch MM SIG meeting from 8/15/2019 re: search and sort in Inventory

      • Recorded meeting (search & sort discussion starts around min. 24): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iwBvnjIwIU0wrcuTbvuiradvVENIL5oB/view?usp=sharing

      • Search and sort slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HUX9ed0Qnx2jRE6M4DRlfTFUa-MUPJICD9k5lPECqew/edit#slide=id.g5eb9a9fe55_0_21

      • They’ve resolved the long list of RDA terms on the sidebar

      • Future updates: working on an advanced search and boolean operators

      • Question: In Aleph we index a lot of things. Can merge bib and holdings for export and search across these different records. How much of that custom indexing can we add as we get deeper into our use of FOLIO?

        • FOLIO is built on relational tables and postgreSQL indexing, not sure how much is built in for cross searching, but the CODEX is designed to facilitate some more of that flexibility to search/index easily across records without complex CCL searching

        • Beauty of open source is that we can touch the code and customize, the potential hindrance is the hosting model with EBSCO and what level of openness there will be for code access there

        • There hasn’t been much discussion of the CODEX lately though

        • Searching between apps is the greater concern and can we create our own indices

          • What will we be able to do ourselves vs. having to ask EBSCO to do it for us

    • Surveying our colleagues--due Sept. 6 (our title suggestions and questions)

      • Each person select 3-5 tricky titles of differing formats. Some of us need to find things that are suppressed or have EAST commitment notes, etc. as well.

      • Start identifying staff who would be potential testers.

      • What questions for the form do we want? Ann will create a google doc for us to put this info in.

      • Might need a little more development before we run this test so that we are not doing it over and over again

      • Plan is to wait for the newer version (Daisy) in October and then further develop and run the test

    • In recent MM SIG they were discussing making a dynamic display of the data based on the role/team/login that you have

      • Prioritizing the information that you might need to differentiate and do your type of work

    • October 8 meeting with FIT and the team leads with Anya for updates

      • At Oct. 7 Inventory meeting we should compile questions for Anya

      • Ann can give an informal download of this meeting over Slack between our two meetings

    • If anything comes up after the meeting, feel free to add here or in Slack



Time: 9-10am

Location: FC Dining Room or Zoom

Members present: Suzanne K. (Hampshire), Jane P. (Hampshire), Michelle P. (Smith), Rose R. (Smith), Mary Ann S. (UMass), Ann K. (UMass), Jaime T. (UMass), Paul T. (Amherst), Laura E. (Amherst), Sara C. (Mt. Holyoke), Rachael S. (Mt. Holyoke), Rob O’Connell (FIT)

Notetaker(s): Michelle

Recorded meeting available at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/y1xyK7V8SIjkHrGrwQhHQB8OySK7-gR2TK3pXyo-e3qwIumekTziMw



  • Join today’s meeting is at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/799697851

  • Last time we met, met with Anya. Ann met with her separately and set up Wrike board - place where Ann can put tasks for our group. She will show us what that looks like via email.

  • Need to check that Jaime got access to Inventory folder.


  • Wrap up our MARC to Inventory mapping

    • Please search items in our Five College instance: https://fivecolleges.folio.ebsco.com, folio, Madison

    • Steve B. gave us a file of everything in our instance. I’ve extracted the MARC 245 (title) fields for everyone and put in Excel. Let’s try to find a mix of titles/formats and see what they look like to inform the mapping! If you can manipulate the .mrc file and you want more info than just 245, Steve posted that on Slack. Let me know if you need help. Otherwise, the Excel file is shared on Slack, and I’ve also converted to Google Sheets here: https://drive.google.com/a/umass.edu/file/d/1CF5_8ThYhaCrjiylmN-2wial4gmCpX47/view?usp=sharing

    • Mapping doc with our comments: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bqsZDaHQ6KhKmoEInFAnir-q5MKiwp3CzblDTpSbOyM/edit#gid=999783508

    • Laura A. - why not display additional title subfields?

    • Jaime asks how is the interaction between leader and 00X fields impacting things?

    • Instance record will have link to MARC view in SRS.

    • Homework: watch Thursday’s MMSIG meeting.

    • Laura notes we probably don’t want the classification/call number mapping to the instance record and that we would instead specifically only want to map the holdings classifications/call numbers. Others agree. Jaime mentions that historically classifications are subjects, not necessarily an identification number, and isn’t that worth keeping in the bib? Sara notes that data will still be in the underlying MARC record, so do we need it in Inventory?

    • Homework for Michelle: Summarize where our MARC-to-Inventory Mapping. Where are we in agreement with UA and where are we NOT in agreement? Deadline: September 6.

    • Next FOLIO release (Daisy) is October


  • Looking at Inventory in the Five Colleges folio space.

    • What kind of things do we want our fellow staff to look for and test in Folio Inventory? Think about these questions. What will they need to be able to do?

    • Laura says publisher info is confusing - separated copyright date.

    • List of contributors can be very long, don’t always have the role term. Who needs to fix this? Better migration, fixing our data that will be migrated? Does it need to be “fixed” or are we ok with a long list?

    • Sara recommends suppressing for discover to test whether people see it.

    • Sara recommends selecting one with an EAST commitment for a test. The notes getting mapped into one general “note” field can lead to a challenge with picking out specific information.

      • Ann mentions she heard of improvements to the notes fields, but can’t remember what they were planning to change or where this info came from.

    • What’s in the 5C Folio space is drawn primarily from just grabbing a variety of format types. Not specific titles, or specific sets from particular schools.

  • Version of FOLIO - most recent one from August is the one we’re testing for go-live. Anya said there is another.


Let’s compare to what we see in Aleph. Inventory instance records are primarily meant for identification. They will not be editable if there is any source record behind them, and will likely not be used by those who catalog. We want to understand what our colleagues in Circ, Reserves, Stacks, ILL, and possibly Acquisitions need from this record/tool. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_aFEamhDqXBg7fBI77IUykDNZGQXTE4MH-zxKIQ-rkA/edit?usp=sharing


  • Non-MARC and other comments that have no specific place on the mapping document (please add below): STA, LKR, --- With MARC: EAST commit [583]; 9XX fields (??)

    • Ann believes Steve is working on this. Laura says Record Merge is working on this. Record Merge has not yet decided where to put these. Sara specifies this data needs to exist in Folio, though she is largely agnostic on where provided she can search on it.




  • Next, we will want to have colleagues at our institutions from Circ, Stacks, Reserves, ILL and a student worker look through Inventory

    • We want to ask them how would they use this?

    • Does this matter to you?

    • Do they have what they need?

    • Do we want to have any sessions that are “guided” or scheduled so we can all work on this together?

    • Surveying our colleagues:

      • Have people look up a variety of formats.

      • Use Rachel’s tool, but with some different titles. Be sure to use titles that have similar things in FOLIO that will actually test people’s ability to distinguish between things using the data in Inventory.

      • Identify 3-5 titles that are tricky. We’ll pool them, try ourselves, and select subset for our colleagues.

        • Look for items that might be suppressed from discovery, items with EAST commitments, etc to include in the pool

      • Homework around this: Each person select 3-5 tricky titles. Start identifying staff who would be potential testers. What questions for the form do we want? Deadline: September 6. Ann will create a google doc for us to put this info in.

  • Add to agenda at the beginning of meeting every month a Record Merge update. Laura will be away next meeting.

  • Rob notes next release date is October. (Daisy release)



Time: 11am-noon

Location: FC Dining Room or Zoom

Members present: Ann Kardos, Laura Evans, Paul Trumble, Sara Colglazier, Jane Pickles, Michelle Paquette, MaryAnn Stoddart (via Zoom), Rob O’Connell

Guest: Anya Arnold

Notetaker(s): Sara Colglazier

Recorded meeting available at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/cGknx0CmkbWe-FhOtQxhE8MfaMCN2zk5_PeYFNRdnk6wIumekTziMw


New Folio Team: All the Working Group Team Leads as well as the Record Merge Group and FIT

Talked about making better use of the 5C FOLIO Instance: so that we can start looking at and doing stuff in it (see Anya’s links below)--she suggests we login and look for ourselves and if able create our own usernames/passwords for login to https://fivecolleges.folio.ebsco.com




  • Homework from last meeting: please try to complete the MHC FOLIO Instance Activity exercise that Rachael did a group: https://forms.gle/RHCebDEuGEYjMqRv6

    • If possible, grab a few colleagues and do this together!

    • See how this feels and compare against the responses from Rachael’s group

    • Discussion with the group/input from Anya?


Thinking about the order of things is more important than what is needed or not. Example: subjects could be lower on the screen.


What is displays in an inventory vs what is in the instance record.


Worry is : will we only be able limit to the data within invernoty vs. the full record (ie marc, dc) within folio. - we would like to view the source record.





Non golive https://issues.folio.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10611


Review the responses from the activity at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14bx5LgwsV5vnkUQnIMraAnvYRGRlHq0awpvERXubOjs/edit#gid=1873855121





Time: 9-10am

Location: Five Colleges Inc. Dining Room or Zoom

Members present: Ann K., Laura E., Paul T., Rachael S., Sara C., Jane P., Michelle P.

Notetaker(s): Jane P.

Recorded meeting available at: [Ann was remiss in recording this meeting--I’m sorry!]




Zoom link: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/799697851


  • Anya: She will be here visiting the 5C again from July 31 to August 2. I would like to reschedule our regular meeting from Monday, August 5 @ 9am to sometime while Anya is here. We will just pick the date and time when most people are available.


Announcements: Michelle P. went to Ebsco Day last week and got a clarification about Inventory vs. Discovery vs. Source Record Storage


  • Review MARC to inventory mapping

    • Collate questions and comments

    • General responses?




Minutes (Jane P.)

Aug 5th meeting is cancelled; Ann will email the new meeting date/time for meeting with Anya.

Michelle discussed attending “EBSCO day.” She asked reps to explain the relationship between inventory and discovery. EBSCO claims inventory won’t impact discovery. Discovery search will include inventory as well as all other apps.

Reviewed sample records in inventory. Discussed articles (a, an, the) when searching. It appears that articles are not omitted at present. Can we specify this be changed?

It was suggested each library replicate what MH did, see google doc in drive (Folio instance activity responses). The idea is to ask various types of users to search various types of materials and log results. This may help determine what fields/subfields to map for inventory records.

Jane asked what types of activities catalogers would be working on in inventory. Catalogers may start a search in inventory and then “go to” wherever schema for that type of record is stored for editing/updating data in records.

Sara mentioned the organization of the information in the sample inventory records we reviewed. Many identifiers are at the top but perhaps this information would be better suited to the bottom of the record.

Permissions will be handled by user group. In Aleph it’s very complicated. Maryann said Folio won’t be as granular. Susan Kimball and others are working on this.

When considering mapping for inventory, we need to keep in mind users, such as acquisitions, cataloging, access but also need to consider mapping fields within a shared catalog such as we will need to map subfield 5 in various fields for identifying owning library.

Conclusion/action item: try Rachael’s “test” – with various types of users and various types of materials for our next meeting. This may help when making field mapping decisions in the UA mapping document.

UA mapping google sheet:


MH/Rachael’s Folio instance activity responses: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14bx5LgwsV5vnkUQnIMraAnvYRGRlHq0awpvERXubOjs/edit#gid=1873855121




Time: 9-10am

Location: Five Colleges Inc. Dining Room or Zoom

Members present: Paul T., Jane P., Suzanne K., Rachael S., Steve in for Rob, Laura E., Ann K., online is Mary Ann S. and Michelle P. and Rose R.

Notetaker(s): Jane Pickles

Recorded meeting available at:






Zoom info for 1st Mondays of the month: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/363945147


  • Request for shared note taking duties for each meeting--notetaker does not need to have a laptop, but must be willing to edit our shared agenda during or after the meeting

    • We can rotate notetakers to share the duty

      • Rotation is as follows:

        • Hamphshire: first Jane, then Suzanne

        • Mt. Holyoke: Rachael, then Sara

        • Smith: Michelle, then Rose

        • UMass: Mary Ann

        • Amherst: Laura, then Paul

    • This also makes sure that multiple voices are heard, as we all hear things differently and remember different details


Card sort: https://j774s4f7.optimalworkshop.com/optimalsort/57n5l484


Ann-Marie Breaux demonstration of data import tool and see how data displays in Inventory so far: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fSrc2U3IEdgdYIYki_MCHANnJK5fZ4W8/view?usp=sharing

  • Video from the Metadata Management SIG on 6/27

  • Begin around minute 18


Minutes: (Jane P-Hampshire):

Agenda items briefly reviewed and rotation of meeting minutes documented. As a starting point it was decided to work on the card sort exercise as a group, discussing inventory field options in instance records, moving each to the group option which is the best fit. There was some uncertainty concerning the meaning of some of the inventory fields, so there are multiple options where a field could be placed. The category “identifiers” had many items. Do we need all these identifiers in the instance records? Sara C. mentioned that we need them all for searching and there could be more such as music manufacturer and dvd numbers which

were not listed in this exercise.


Action item: review Recommended MARC to Inventory Instance Mapping document -- what fields/subfields do we want displayed in instance records. Instance records are staff view records and while reviewing the document, we need to consider the needs of catalogers, access and acquisitions staff.


Next meeting July 15, 2019.



Time: 9-10am

Location: Five Colleges Inc. Dining Room or Zoom

Members present: Ann K., Michelle P. Rachael S., Jane P., Suzanne K., Paul T., Laura E., Rob O., Sara C.

Notetaker(s): Michelle P. and Ann K.

Recorded meeting available at: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/recording/share/uuN3WORzJESzbnpddFIHRIFiSLM8aq_JstOwZv44qqCwIumekTziMw


Note on this recorded meeting: done from my laptop--so you’ll see a lot of just my face and sound around the room is a bit wonky, depending on who’s talking! Room for improvement :)


Introductions (5 min.)


  • Zoom info:

    • 3rd Mondays of the month: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/j/799697851

    • Meetings are currently scheduled for 9-10am, but Paul noted that the meeting at Amherst that happens at 10am can me moved to 10:30 if we need 1.5 hours for IWG

    • Meetings will be recorded and saved to the UMass zoom cloud

    • Zoom recorded meeting link will be posted to each agenda (see above for example)


  • Begin review “Recommended MARC to Inventory Instance Mapping” at https://drive.google.com/a/umass.edu/file/d/1y1O02C6CfF_AUkCG_QeSGTYpOxznada1/view?usp=sharing

    • Rob noted that University of Alabama (UA) had already done a review. We will start from their mapping and see whether we have edits and if so, what they are. Note that some fields missing from UA’s mapping may be in the generic mapping spreadsheet, so refer to that if you think something’s missing.

    • Homework assigned: this group will do review work in this document. We will all look at the full mapping but some IWG members will give special attention to certain fields with certain types of cataloging in mind, as below:

      • Michelle -- Specials Collections/Archival

      • Sara & Jane -- Review of all tags (check for missing)

      • Paul (w/ help from Laura) -- Serials and electronic resources

      • Ann -- Foreign language and A/V

      • Laura -- Music

    • 533/534 reproduction and original format notes -- check for microforms or other reproductions. Is this sufficient mapping for microforms, etc?

    • If you see a field that’s missing, please refer to the original mapping



Time: 10-11am

Location: Five Colleges Inc. Dining Room or Zoom

Members present: Michelle P., Rose R., Rob O., Rachael S., Sara C., Laura E., Jane P., Suzanne K., Paul T., Steve B., Maryann S., Ann K.



Introductions (5 min.)


  • Review of the Inventory Working Group charge (10 min.)

    • Any suggested edits at this point? → Steve putting the link to our 5C instance in the charge

    • Discussion of Inventory App vs. Codex

    • What are we talking about when we talk about Inventory and can we have a diagram to all be on the same page

    • The 5C test instance has 40,000 records in inventory

      • Where does this live? → Steve sending to us




Instance (= Bib)

Holding (each instance must have one holding, but can have infinite holdings)

Items (has barcode, condition, etc.)


Coming soon:

[Container records: can have multiple Instance records in it or link records]


Circ shares items with Inventory

Acquisitions records are linked to holdings, which links down to items

  • Think about our current ADM and Holdings records as being merged-->this is how it functions in Folio

  • Eresources also links to Acquisitions

MarcCat speaks to Source Record Storage (SRS)

Data in SRS is mapped to Inventory


Inventory is the stuff you want staff to see

Codex sits above it all and searches across apps, plus searches things that we may not own


  • Priority-setting and our vision (30 min.)

    • Our Shared Five College Principles will guide some of this work

    • First steps are to figure out mapping

      • What goes into Inventory that is in Aleph item?

      • What goes into those item fields or how do we address some of these?

      • Mapping Aleph item data into Folio item data will be shared with us

    • Circulation is working on a list of material types that are needed for Circ but will need to be reviewed by this group to potentially add to for the differentiation of items (i.e. DVD v. VHS)

    • We are being asked to look at Instance records → look at the default Marc to Instance mapping (Alabama did this and maybe can we see theirs)

      • Steve B. sending Alabama’s mapping to us

    • We also want to map Aleph Items to Folio Items

    • Future → we’ll want to think about what will live in Holdings records

      • Do we want Marc Holdings records?

    • Also, how this is searched/displayed to the public informs us so how will this affect our discussions

    • TYP field in Aleph → default is RDA resource type, does that work for us


  • Future meetings and scheduling (10 min.)

    • 9am for 1 hour @ FC building and Zoom

    • 1st & 3rd Mondays

    • Ann will send invite with all info

    • Rob/Steve will set up Slack and blog (ask? Maybe I can do Slack)


Questions and wrap-up (5 min.)


Helpful resources before we begin


Shared Five College Principles

  • Shared resource: The Five College libraries collections make up a single and shared library resource.

  • Best practices: In an agile manner, standardize, streamline and improve best practices.

  • Alignment: FOLIO is an opportunity to align multiple systems and create a more unified presentation of Five College library data; enabling more seamless access to collections.

  • Additional functionality: Once core functionality is established, improvements, and additional functionality can be explored and prioritized.

  • Communication: Commitment to transparent communication throughout all stages of the project.

  • Respect one another: When we debate and discuss differing opinions, we will always show respect to individuals. All of us will end up compromising on some aspects of the design or the project work. We recognize that this is hard work and time consuming. Many of us may be pushed outside of our comfort zone; however, we will remain respectful to one another. These guidelines are forward-looking and will guide Five College Library cooperation beyond the FOLIO implementation.






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