Use Cases

Use Cases

Collected during 2020--starting with the All-Access All-Staff

From All-Access All-Staff Survey

  • Filter by language better. Currently it is a long alphabetical list of all languages in the world.

    • Can most common languages in the collection be at the top?

    • Or can just the languages in our collections appear?

  • Format and Resource filters

    • Too long to use

    • Terms are not understandable to non-metadata users

    • Format doesn’t include a text or book filter

  • Location Filter

    • Need to be able to limit by campus

  • Make mandatory fields more obvious for record creation

  • Need to be able to distinguish between physical and ebooks easily in a search

  • Want advanced search

    • The ability to search multiple keywords at one time

    • The ability to search keyword plus contributor, etc.

  • Delete records

  • List of previous searches

Use case from Bib Merge (search OCLC Number)

  • Search by full string (OCoLC)indexing prefix+number or just by number or just (OCoLC)number

  • This is already possible in FOLIO snapshot but doesn’t work in our 5C instance?

    • Currently in 5C instance, you can search by full string or by prefix+number but not by number alone

  • Can we add a customized Instance search under Identifier for OCLC number?


Use cases from Michelle

  • Search in Inventory to export a result list (+1 from Ann, +1 from Sara, +1 from Colin)

  • Search in Inventory for cases where I’m not sure what MARC field has certain metadata, then look at underlying MARC from there.(+1 from Sara)


Paul (serials use cases)

  • I was contacted by ILL staff member who was trying to pull a 2012 article from: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Section B, Biological Sciences on Course Reserves. Staff member was certain we had a current subscription but search in SFX showed that our access to this title ended in 1990. What they did not realize is that the current title is now: Proceedings. Biological Sciences. I was able to search ALEPH and review the 785 field to see what the current title was. (A similar thing occurs for the 3 other Royal Society publications: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Section A, ...; Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Section A, ...; and Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Section B, ...)

    • 'Commonly known as' title does not match the cataloged title. Users need to be able to see 780 and 785 fields in Inventory to trace 'Previous' and 'Later' titles in Inventory.

  • Some journals change their subtitles fairly frequently. Public services staff (ILL, Ref, Reserves) will find inventory helpful to track title changes when helping patrons find issues they need. (+1 from Ann) (+2 from MHC)

    • Some title change examples:

      • Journal of physics. A, Proceedings of the Physical Society: General -- Journal of physics. A, General physics (Proceedings of the Physical Society) -- Journal of physics. A, General Physics -- Journal of physics. A. Mathematical, nuclear and general -- Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and general -- (Cont by: Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical; and: Cont in part by: Classical and quantum gravity (I love this last title change with the addition continued in part by change)

      • Journal of the Chemical Society. Section D, Chemical communications -- Chemical communications -- Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications -- Chemical communications: Chem comm

  • Cataloged titles for print and online differ. 776 field in Inventory will be useful to public services and technical services staff.

    • Print = Origins: CNS documentary service; and: Online = Originsonline.com: CNS documentary service (staff paying invoices need to find/see this)

    • Print = Eastern European politics and society; and: Online = East European politics and society (a subtle but important distinction for staff paying invoices)

  • I have not been following the discussions with the Record Merge group and I'm letting Laura take the lead with FOLIO Inventory. My FOLIO Inventory expertise is with print and online serials, databases, and the cataloging of eBooks. One thing I will need from Inventory is to be able to easily distinguish between print and online resources. If the old GMD (|h electronic resource) goes away with Record Merge and new cataloging does not contain this, I will need a way to distinguish between print and online titles (33x fields). For the cataloging of eBooks, I will need a way to check for the availability of print call numbers. Amherst adds call number information to our eBooks. These call numbers match except for the addition of 'eb' to the end of the eBooks call number. I'm not certain if there is a call number look-up function in FOLIO now. I will use inventory to search for print call numbers when I catalog eBooks.


Use Cases from Suzanne (Access) (+1 to all from Rachael)

  • A patron comes to the circulation desk and says they can’t find a music cd on the shelf. They don’t remember the title and all they have written down is the call number. I need to be able to search Inventory to:

    • Search by call number to find the item’s record to confirm the title (+1 from Ann)

    • Once I know I have the right item I have to make sure Hampshire owns it.

    • Then I have to make sure the item should be shelved in the regular cd’s and is not in a special collection or on reserve.

    • Lastly I have to make sure the item is available and not checked out.

  • A professor wants to put a copy of Moby Dick on reserve. They give no other information other than to indicate that they want the one with the introduction by Edward Said. Does Hampshire own it, and if not which library does so that we can borrow it for the semester?



Use Cases from Sara (Record and Inventory Management)

  • I get a report of a record not displaying correctly in our public-facing interface, I investigate/troubleshoot by looking up the record in FOLIO Inventory to figure out why and fix if possible

  • I get a report of a record not retrieving as expected in our public-facing interface, I investigate/troubleshoot by looking up the record in FOLIO Inventory to figure out why and fix if possible

  • I batch load vendor records to Inventory, then I perform quality control by retrieving them via Search in Inventory to skim and view a sample. Depending, I may have to delete them again, and reload after further massaging

  • I create records for such non-traditional library materials like cameras, chargers, HappyLights, instruments, etc etc to be able to circulate them to our public and so that they can be discoverable in our public-facing interface

  • I need to get a count of how many titles we have in a given location/collection (+1 from Kim)

  • I am trying to figure out whether an Item for which the Order shows that it has been invoiced & paid is in fact in the library but without having been properly arrived/checked in--and then deal with it according to what I figure out

  • Items need to be retrieved in Inventory to be *moved* to another location--that is, the items are being moved physically and this needs to be updated in the system accordingly

  • Items for certain types of Orders (or, additional Gift copies, or, *found*, etc) are not *checked in* but rather created as needed directly in Inventory with the Add Item function etc

  • The disposition/condition of an Item needs to be updated

  • We are contacted by EAST to see whether we can take over commitments of specific Items, and first we must check on their status & condition to confirm that we can. Then we need to update the record with the EAST Commitment note

  • We discover that we need to request reallocation of EAST Commitments; after notifying EAST, we need to remove the EAST Commitment note from our records

  • In conjunction with a weeding project, records need to be retrieved and either totally deleted or, depending, items deleted or moved and holdings deleted and updated

Use Cases from Access Services (Kim Ammons)

We want to confirm a search that a student has performed in EDS by double-checking FOLIO to see if MHC has a copy of Beloved by Toni Morrison, either physical or ebook, to be accessed immediately. I need to search Inventory for the title under “MH” or “FC” locations but don’t want to have to go through the “Effective location” list to check off all of the individual possible locations that start with “MH” or “FC.” Is there a way to quickly limit by library?

Use cases for Data Import (if applicable)

Be able to search instance records by a load code or some identifying code and where the FOLIO holdings are for your institution and retrieve instance results with a reliable number of results.

It would be nice to know when searching, which instance records have multiple holdings on them from the various institutions.


Use cases for Data Export (if applicable)

Like data import, I think the cross Inventory or searching data in instances and combining that with FOLIO holdings and item data is important. For example, I might need all instance records that were created during a defined time period that have only holdings for UMass in a specific location and where the item records have a specific staff note.



Use cases from Colin

  1. A tech services staff member will want to go to Inventory and search for a title that has duplicate Instance records. They will want to move the holdings and items from one Instance to the other and then delete the Instance with no associated records.
    [5C example: A rumour of otters / Deborah Savage]

  2. An access services staff member will want to go to Inventory and move a spreadsheet of items over to a temporary location, for an exhibit that is being set up. They will paste in a series of barcodes and create a set. They will be told of any barcodes that they searched for that were not found in Inventory. They will be able to run a batch update on the set to change all of the items to the temporary location.

  3. A tech services staff member will find an earlier, unbarcoded volume of a series where the library has partial holdings. They will want to go to Inventory, create a new item record for the piece, and update the holdings coverage statement to reflect the new item. Our OCLC LHR will be updated by an automated process at a later date.

  4. An acquisitions staff member is looking for a title, finds a print version of it and wants to see if there is an electronic version. This could be an actionable link in related instances (driven by 776) or some sort of clickable search that searches by title/author fragments and ‘format not equal to the record I was just on.’
    [5C example: The Community ecology of sea otters / edited by G.R. VanBlaricom and J.A. Estes]


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