Agreement Closure: Cessation

Agreement Closure: Cessation


The vendor makes a decision to stop supporting or publishing a specific resource which results in the library ending the ongoing subscription, closing records, and potentially the end of access or management of perpetual access.

FOLIO Apps Required:

  • Orders, Agreements, Licenses, eHoldings (HLM), Organizations (Possible), Inventory

Related Workflows:



  1. The vendor ends support for a specific resource, resulting in the end of an ongoing subscription which may or may not end access. (ie. end of publishing)

  2. The vendor ends support for a specific resource, resulting in the loss of access to a resource on the publisher platform. (ie. insolvency)


  1. Order records (PO/POL(s)) in FOLIO are closed to reflect the end of the ongoing subscription.

  2. If there is no perpetual access, the Agreement is closed and is perpetual is set to no.

    1. If access is lost, content is disabled in discovery systems and local Inventory records are removed/suppressed.

  3. If there is perpetual access, the Agreement is closed and is perpetual is set to yes

    1. If perpetual access is maintained, link resolver coverage is updated.

Staff Involved

  • Acquisitions Staff, Licensing Staff (Possible), ERM Staff, Cataloging/Discovery Staff


  1. The vendor communicates that a resource will no longer be published as of a set date.

    1. Acquisitions staff may not be the first to be notified of a cessation - knowledgebase providers may know before subscription agents.

  2. Acquisitions staff close order records (PO/POL(s)) to prevent encumbrance in the next Fiscal Year.

  3. Once the term has ended, the agreement can be closed. If perpetual/post cancellation access is maintained, the “Is perpetual” drop down can be set to yes.

    1. Broadly, if the publisher is making the decision to end publication they will maintain PA/PCA for the title - coverage may need to be updated manually in the link resolver.

    2. If the publisher becomes insolvent, the resource may be sold to another publisher or may simply disappear and access is lost. For a new publisher, a request might need to be made with proof of payment to gain PA/PCA on the new platform.

    3. The content may be transferred to an archiving service (PORTICO, LOCKSS, CLOCKSS) and needs to be updated in the link resolver. 

  4. If staff time is devoted to enabling access on a new platform or an archiving service, records may be created in Agreements to track the ongoing PA/PCA

    1. Agreement lines need to be created based on the new platform.

  5. If there is no PA/PCA, EZProxy Stanzas can be removed, EDS Metadata & CustomLinking can be disabled, HLM packages can be deselected, and Inventory records can be suppressed/removed.

  6. Information on the cessation is sent to subject librarians to remove content from A-Z lists, teaching modules, and to work with patrons when questions arise.



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