Renewal with or without eHoldings

Renewal with or without eHoldings


Renewal of a resource on a regular basis (regardless of material type).

FOLIO Apps Required:

  • Agreement, Organizations, Orders, Invoices, Licenses (Possible), eHoldings, Inventory (Possible)

Related Workflows:



  1. Library receives communication/an invoice in advance of the end date of a subscription period and we decide to renew

  2. Library requests an invoice from a vendor as the end date of a subscription period approaches/passes

  3. Auto-Renewal for specific vendors (ie. ProQuest, Oxford, etc.) where a vendor emails and you confirm by doing nothing

  4. eJournal Renewal by Subscription Agent

    1. Harrassowitz: No communication is an acknowledgement of renewal

    2. EBSCO: Lives largely in EBSCONet, typically handled without Joanna unless something is changing about the resource, must review and respond by X Date

  5. An invoice is paid somewhere in this process signifying the transfer from acquisitions to somewhere else

Note: Different vendors have vastly different methods. Paying an invoice may acknowledge renewal or may come after communication back and forth and after signing a new yearly order form. These triggers are very broad and capture /most/ scenarios. Different triggers may mean that the process begins in different ways inside FOLIO (ie. with Agreements versus Orders) and possibly at different times. End result is payment of an invoice at some point.


Record updates within FOLIO, payment to a vendor, possible license renegotiation/amendment, ensuring the resource remains discoverable and accessible to patrons

Staff Involved

  • Acquisitions Staff, Cataloging/Discovery Staff, Research/Teaching Staff


  1. Via different workflows, an invoice is paid (some vendors may need to be tracked down)

    1. Some resources may be flagged for yearly review of usage rather than assuming it will be renewed

    2. Some resources may be sent to teaching staff to confirm if a renewal is needed (based on need for a class, inflation, etc.)

  2. Status Quo: Confirm access is correct (coverage for journals, access for databases)

    1. Check for a new EZProxy stanza

    2. Check metadata & linking in EDS

    3. Check linking/coverage in the link resolver

    4. Selection of a new years eJournal package

    5. Update a URL in holdings record/Database A-Z list

  3. Not Status Quo:

    1. Cancellation/Cessation - See specific workflow document

    2. Changing content: review title lists for link resolver access, update links for platform change, select more content for additional modules, etc.

    3. Access is turned off: request invoice, troubleshoot various discovery systems, contact vendor/sub. Agent

    4. Potentially updating a batch load

  4. License Renegotiation

    1. Some renewals are de facto license renewals (signature on the document constitutes an amended/extended license)

    2. Not all vendors will require a renegotiation or an amendment to an existing license

    3. Renegotiation can take place locally or through a consortia (NERL, etc.) and may include a total resigning or amendments for inclusion of new terms and conditions

  5. Potential communication out to the rest of the library


  • Some schools are assuming that everything is set unless they hear differently, so the renewal work is more centered around acquisitions/payment than discovery/access

    • In this case, shifting titles/platform changes/etc. are not necessarily tied to the actual act of renewal with the vendor

  • Some renewals may be multi-year to take advantage of deals in which case the yearly “renewal” may just be the payment of the invoice (unless payment is all up front)

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