Agreement Closure: Cancellations & Transfers

Agreement Closure: Cancellations & Transfers


Getting a new electronic resource for the library (regardless of material type.)

Note: This workflow is primarily focused on Agreements - please see FAWG documentation for in depth workflow steps in the Orders/Finance/etc. apps.

FOLIO Apps Required:

  • Orders, Agreements, Licenses, eHoldings (HLM), Organizations (Possible), Inventory

Related Workflows:



The library makes an informed decision to cancel an ongoing resource payment based on local metrics.


  1. Order Records in FOLIO are closed to reflect the end of the ongoing subscription.

  2. If there is no perpetual access, the Agreement is closed and is perpetual is set to no.

    1. If access is lost, content is disabled in discovery systems and local Inventory records are removed/suppressed.

  3. If there is perpetual access, the Agreement is closed and is perpetual is set to yes

    1. If perpetual access is maintained, link resolver coverage is updated.

Staff Involved

  • Acquisitions Staff, Licensing Staff (Possible), ERM Staff, Cataloging/Discovery Staff, Research/Teaching Staff


  1. Reasons a cancellation might occur

    1. An individually subscribed ejournal is migrating to a package subscription. The individual order can be cancelled with the vendor/subscription agent.

    2. A price jump over a set amount occurs for the upcoming year and the new amount does not fit in the FY budget so the resource is cancelled.

    3. A title becomes open access or changes to a subscribe to open model and a decision is made not to support this specific OA initiative.

    4. A review of usage data on a resource results in a determination that the cost is not worth the use on the specific campus.

  2. Acquisitions staff contact the vendor/subscription agent to cancel the subscription. Order records (PO/POL(s)) are closed to prevent encumbrance in the next Fiscal Year.

  3. If a decision is made prior to the end of the term, the agreement can be marked for cancellation using the “Renewal priority” field.

  4. Once the term has ended, the agreement can be closed. If perpetual/post cancellation access is maintained, the “Is perpetual” drop down can be set to yes.

    1. A review may be done on a regular cycle to check that perpetual access has not been lost. If it has, the vendor needs to be contacted with proof of previous payment for it to be restored.

    2. For journal titles - there might be more than one platform where PCA can be maintained. A review might be done to determine if access at one platform should be preserved if it is available on another platform as well.

    3. For individual eJournals - an agreement line might need to be manually moved from the “active” subscription agreement to a “PA/PCA” subscription agreement with any associated data and notes.

      1. If the title is transferred the AGL might need to be moved and a new HLM title (not a name change!) from a different package will need to be used to create a new AGL on a different Agreement.

  5. If there is no PA/PCA, EZProxy Stanzas can be removed, EDS Metadata & CustomLinking can be disabled, HLM packages can be deselected, and Inventory records can be suppressed/removed.

  6. Information on the cancellation is sent to subject librarians to remove content from A-Z lists, teaching modules, and to work with patrons when questions arise.


  • Different institutions may have a different number of people involved in this process.

  • Post cancellation access is not always preserved on the original platform or by the original publisher - it may move to a new platform (ie. Ingenta to HighWire) or a new publishing (ie. Emerald to Taylor & Francis) which adds a layer of complexity for management when using eHoldings as the basis for Agreement Lines. The use of unlinked AGLs (no Holdings backing it) might be used to represent previous access if the title is deleted from HLM.

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