Discovery (EDS) Administration

Discovery (EDS) Administration

This webpage is specific to UMass Amherst. Please speak to your Five Colleges Discovery Representative for information on how the other Five Colleges manage Discovery.


Management of discovery involves configuring the interface, enabling of metadata and linking, and monitoring the connections with third party systems like FOLIO or institutional repositories. Most of this work is done via the EBSCO Admin.

Quick Shortcuts

Also See


Discovery (Five College Discovery Documentation)

FOLIO-Discovery Task Group

Teaching Tricks for Discovery

Open Athens Administration

Holdings Management Documentation

Profile Configurations


Branding is managed profile by profile, but bottom branding documents which contain HTML code can be shared across multiple profiles.


  • UMass Branding colors can be found here.

  • We have opted not to use the top ribbon Ask-a-Librarian link. We have the “Ask Us” box as a clickable image at the top right instead.

  • The only customized button we have in the left toolbar is for the A-Z eJournal Search (Publication Finder). There are several defaults that could be turned on.

  • Customizations for the Right Toolbar are not specific to UMass, but we have enabled Sign In, Folder, Preferences, and SSO Logout Link to facilitate the OpenAthens integration for FOLIO-EDS (Patron Empowerment/My Account)

  • Our label is “Discovery Search: Find books, articles, DVDs & more.”

  • We use the enhanced branding style for EDS, but not most of the other EBSCOhost profiles.

  • We do not surface the basic search anywhere, so this section is not relevant for EDS.

  • Library Logo: https://www.library.umass.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/UMass_Libraries-256wide-1.png

  • Top Right Branding image: https://www.library.umass.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/AskUs-Box.png

EDS Bottom Branding ([UMAAH] EDS Active)

System Notifier Alerts

  • This is not always included, code is below. URL and password to change the content is in an email from Courtney from June 2022.

  • <!-- System Notifier Alerts, Courtney McAllister cmcallister[at]ebsco.com April 3 2020--> <script id="systemNotificationScript" data-css="https://widgets.ebscohost.com/prod/customerspecific/umaah/umaahalert.css" data-mainpage="top" data-searchresult="top" data-moreinfolabel='{"en":"dbhelp@umass.libanswers.com"}' data-libinfolabel='' data-displaymeslabel='{"en":"See All Alerts"}' src="https://widgets.ebscohost.com/prod/simplekey/systemNotifier/systemNotifier.js" ></script> <!--End of System Notifier Alert -->

SmartLinks+ proxy

  • Added by Bob June 2020 to actually proxy the SmartLinks+ links.

Capitalize Location Limiter

  • This forces the EDS location limiter to correctly display UMass as UMass, not Umass. Content was not configured by UMass.


  • Discovery side “app” to drive the segmented course reserves search from the FOLIO Courses App.

RTAC Sorter App

  • Forces the alphabetical sort of the RTAC location. Set to prioritize UMass locations, then 5C, and then the rest of the consortia alphabetically.


  • Rewrites the timestamp for due dates from FOLIO-system style to human readable.

Code to move Loans, Request, Fees…

  • Reorders the folders in My Account

Changes clear button to new search

  • Written by Chad, has not been updated since approx. 2018?


  • Changes the EBSCO “E” to a UMass “M” for the browser tab icon.

Auto Select Limiter

  • Unclear what this is doing or if it is still working.

Modify PFI Exact Match Placard

  • Unclear what this is doing or if it is still working.

Google Analytics

  • Unclear if it is still working.

Libanswers Ask us Right tab

  • Configured by Kat, shared elsewhere in the EBSCOHost profiles.

Suppress Place Hold Button

  • List of locations (FOLIO Discovery Display name format) to prevent the Place Hold button from appearing on specific records.


  • &nbsp;

    • Controls the three search widgets in the right hand column (Google scholar, CommCat, WorldCat) and named for the non character space so it doesn't have a word.

    • Be sure to keep it set to Default to Open

  • Text this…

    • Text call number to phone. If we want to customize it we need to work with EBSCO

  • Springshare Placard

    • After the 6th result, Database A-Z assets and LibGuides will appear for relevant search results.

  • MathJaxResult

    • Allows MathML in EDS metadata to be correctly parsed.

  • Deprecated Widgets: DO NOT SHOW

    • Provide Feedback, Continue Search in WorldCat, Database Placard

Metadata & Linking

Understanding Linking

There are four different types of links that appear in EDS search results. This is due to our relationship with EBSCO as a publisher, a subscription agent, and as a discovery service.

  • UMass: Link to resource (FOLIO Holdings Record Links)

    • Metadata provided from MARC SRS records in FOLIO with URLs from the holdings record powering the linking. For eResources, these links appear for cover records, eBooks, and batch loads. The Link brings you directly to content at the publisher site. This form of linking is managed via the custom catalog configuration and a customlink for the advanced record. We provide a stanza of link language to determine which URLs get pushed to patrons (so for instance a MHC Springer eBook link does not appear but a 5C Free eResource link will.) These stanzas are stored in the FCDC Drive.

  • HTML Full Text/PDF Full Text Links (SmartLinks)

    • These appear when EBSCO has the content relating to whatever record you are viewing in one of the EBSCOhost databases they publish and we subscribe to. It is one of the most common links users see in EDS. These links appear regardless of metadata source.

  • Linked Full Text (SmartLinks+)

    • These appear when EDS wants to link us to something we buy from EBSCO Journal Subscription Services, but that they do not publish. This is for things like eJournals, packages, etc. These links are powered by HLM. [It is not tied to order integration in HLM. – Margaret to check whether this is true 09/27/2024] (SL+ was disabled during the Spring Semester 2020 as part of the FTF migration. Terry Walsh turned it back on in June 2020. These links used to be powered by EBSCO’s Electronic Journal Service. This service was sunsetted in 2024.)

  • CustomLinks (Including: Full Text Finder, ILL Request, Connect to Resource or Configured Publisher Icon)

    • These are managed by UMass to facilitate full text linking to content we subscribe to outside of EBSCO (although this is not a hard rule.) If there is not a SmartLink, SmartLink+, or CustomLink, then the FTF or the ILL button will appear on a record.

EBSCO Core Indexes

  • Complementary Index: Includes metadata by primary publishers for searching. Publishers included in this data set include Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Sage, Nature Publishing, ACM, Oxford, Cambridge, and thousands of others.

  • Supplemental Index: Includes EBSCO-enhanced metadata for journals and magazines (including peer-reviewed journals) not available in Academic Search or Business Source, as well as books, newspapers, and more.

    • There is no way to tell beyond this list what content is in either of these core Indexes. EBSCO keeps it quiet for business reasons. You can always try searching for something in Discovery and limiting to one of these Content Providers to see where the metadata is coming from.

  • eBook Index: Includes metadata and searchable full text for more than hundreds of thousands of eBooks and is designed to facilitate discovery and linking of the eBooks you purchase directly from primary publishers such as Wiley, Sage, Cambridge University Press, and Oxford University Press.

    • We use “eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) (nlebk)” which is powering our order integration where EBSCO eBook metadata and linking appears in EDS. We have however, disabled the NetLibrary filter so that catalog records for EBSCO eBooks still appear since they are ranked differently than other records in the relevance algorithm.

    • The actual “eBook Index (edsebk)” is the entire universe of eBook content in EDS. It is enabled as a backup when linking exists but there is no partner database.

  • Academic Search and Business Source: Includes metadata for more than these two resources. EDS suggests that we enable them regardless of subscription.

  • EBSCO Partner Databases: Publishers and databases partnered with EBSCO to provide metadata for EDS searching.

    • Check EBSCO Connect for more information about content. Unfortunately, very little detail is provided, and there is no signal when content is indexed in one of the larger indexes.

  • Subject Indexes: Includes databases that do not work directly with discovery services, such as: America: History & Life, Art Abstracts, Atla Religion Database, Biological Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, CINAHL, EconLit, PsycINFO, RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, and more.

Enabling a New Resource

Enabling Metadata

Enabling metadata is a three step process.

  • As long as the resource is partnered, they should be on the Database list. Check for what sort of metadata is provided on EBSCO Connect.

    • Use the link to download the actual spreadsheet that used to exist on the EDS Wiki.

      • If it isn't on the spreadsheet then it can't be activated in EDS. Make a note in FOLIO.

      • If it is, check to see what sort of metadata is actually provided to EBSCO.

        • The FAQ section can also give information about what is actually available in EDS.

  • Next, navigate to the EBSCO Admin.

    • Change the profile to “EBSCO Discovery Service (eds) - eds”

      • The other profiles are for things like the EBSCOHost database configuration or if we wanted to create subject collections, etc.

  • Change to the Databases tab

    • The default is to show everything, including things that aren't activated. You can change this to “Enabled” or “Disabled” depending on what you're doing.


  • If you're activating metadata for a new resource, you change the list to show “Disabled,” but if it isn't on the list and is a partner, switch back to All and look for a matching title that is already enabled.

    • If there is no answer about why something isn't on the list, then email EBSCO Support to clarify if the metadata is actually available.

  • Assuming the resource is on the disabled list, toggle the metadata “On”

    • Scroll down and click submit at the bottom of the page.

      • If it is already enabled go ahead and move on and set up the CustomLink

  • Record the name of the Database in an EDS Metadata & Linking note in FOLIO. Mark the “Data Integration” section EDS=DB to Yes.

CustomLink Creation

Once the metadata is enabled for searching, you need to enable the CustomLink so that full text can actually be retrieved. An explanation of linking is shown above.

  • Navigate to the Linking Tab and click the “modify” link.

    • The first thing that appears in the Linking Tab is actually the search rankings. (This is part of step 3) Ignore this for now.

  • Click “Add new CustomLinks”

    • This list includes CLs added “for us” by EBSCO during the implementation as well ones added during several years of renewals.

      • CLs cannot actually be deleted if a resource is cancelled or removed from EDS.

      • Anything with the UMAAH tag was created for us by EBSCO. If there are dupes, the content needs to be matched and then ask Kat about deleting the one without a UMAAH.

  • To add a new CustomLink, find it on the list, check the box at the left, and click submit.

    • It will now be in the list of active CustomLinks

  • To manage new or existing CustomLinks, click “SetUp/Maintain CustomLinks”

    • Click on the hyperlinked title to begin editing.

CustomLink Editing

There are many fields in this menu. Some are configurable, some should never be changed.

Basic Setting Field

UMA Global Setting


Basic Setting Field

UMA Global Setting


Link Name

Please use existing convention

EBSCO confirmed this doesn't affect settings. [UMAAH] EDS - PUBLISHER

Managed By


EBSCO doesn't manage activation, they just make global updates. (Except this isn’t true, once you create a customlink it isn’t linked to any global version of the link)

Customize Link

Leave This

as EBSCO Managed or else we will not receive the global updates.


Leave as whatever is configured.


Link text

Connect to Resource

This is the most common language.

Mouse-Over Text

Connect to Resource in (Resource Name)

This will be on links and images.

Link Icon


Icons are part of the deals with EBSCO and supercede link text.

Base URL


EBSCO support can make changes

Query String


EBSCO support can make changes

Advanced Settings Field

UMA Global Setting


Advanced Settings Field

UMA Global Setting


Mandatory Fields


This is part of the linking that EBSCO manages

Window Properties



Display in New Window



Window Name



Hide Link if Full Text


(ILL is the only one set to Yes)

Show Link

USUALLY “If Item is in Collection”

(Some CLs do not rely on Local Collections and need to be set to all. ILL or MathSciNet for example.)

Local Collections for Filter


Select what we own. LCL will start with UMAAH.

Show on Results List



Show on Publication Detail



Show on Detailed Record


This is so the advanced record can have a Link

Show in Publication Finder Results


Rely on HLM

Show in Publication Finder Details


Rely on HLM

Show in Catalog Holdings Table



Mandatory Data for Display in Catalog Holdings Table



Target Uses Ref URL



Uses Proxy


Unless OA

Primary Proxy


Unless OA

Secondary Proxy



  • Once you have made the changes you need, be sure to click submit at the bottom of the page.

  • Put the name of the CL and the LCL Collection from the Editing Window in the EDS Metadata & Linking note in FOLIO. Mark the “Data Integration” section EDS=CL to Yes.

CustomLink Rankings

The final step is assigning a ranking to whatever metadata you just enabled.

  • Navigate back to the Linking Tab

    • Once you've create a new CustomLink it will appear automatically at the bottom of the list. Assign it a ranking based on the list below.

  • The ranking of CustomLinks is loosely based on older SFX sort_services.config ranking.

    • 0 = Catalog Data, EBSCO Services

    • 10 = Paid publisher subscriptions

    • 20 = Publisher hosts (Ingenta, Highwire, etc.)

    • 30 = Newspapers

    • 40 = Databases

    • 45 = Media, image, and streaming

    • 50 = Less reliable aggregators and digitized historical publications

    • 60 = eBooks

    • 70 = Open access

    • 80 = Reviews

    • 90 = Indexes (Web of Science/MathSciNet)

  • Once you've assigned or changed a ranking, scroll down to the bottom of the page a click submit.

  • Put the name of the CustomLink from the Ranking Screen in the “EDS Metadata & Linking” note in FOLIO. Also mark what the ranking is.

    • Linking in EDS tries to match a partner database with the CustomLink for the same partner, but if something is ranked higher than that partner full text may be found elsewhere and prioritized. For example, a record could come from aggregator metadata like Gale's, but since individual publishers are ranked higher an Accessible Archives CL could provide the actual full text.

      • Only one CustomLink will ever show on an EDS Metadata Record.

Deleting CustomLinks

To delete a CustomLink, you need to remove the CL from the ranking and then go and make edits in the Modify Screen. Remove the (umaah) from the Link Name, toggle the radio button to “Make this link your own (self-managed).” This will cause the screen to reload. Hit submit. Back in the Modify Screen use the “X” button on the far right of the screen and verify with the popup. The CL entry will be removed from the screen.

  • This stopped working in June 2020 and renaming with “z [REMOVED]” at the beginning was used. As of Summer 2022 it seems that just deleting a CustomLink without doing anything else might work.

Ongoing Maintenance

Renewal Procedures

Checking renewals in EDS is actually easier than enabling content. Since for the time being we don't really know what the metadata inside a DB is, we don't have to worry about changing content. There's a quick three step process for processing a renewal when it shows up in your CORAL queue.

Checking Metadata

  • Check the Discovery Details note in FOLIO to see if the resource is activated in EDS

    • If it is, go to the Admin and make sure the metadata is still enabled.

      • If the database name has changed please update the note. Make sure the “Data Integration” section EDS=DB is set to Yes.

    • If it is not, go to the Wiki and check to see if the publisher has partnered with EBSCO to share metadata. If they have, use the process outlined above.

      • If they are not a partner, make sure the Data Integration note is correct, and use the Discovery Details note Note “UM EDS Metadata & Linking Non-Partner” saying they aren't partners.

        • Skip the rest of these steps and mark the Workflow step complete.

Checking CustomLinks

  • If the resource is activated in EDS, check the CustomLink settings to make sure they reflect the notes above.

    • Make sure the correct LCL Collections are still selected. If there are new collections please select an appropriate LCL Collection.

      • If anything has changed or new collections are added, update the EDS notes in FOLIO. Make sure the “Data Integration” section EDS=CL to Yes.

Checking Rankings

  • If the CustomLink is configured correctly, check the ranking to make sure that it reflects the list above.

    • Put the name of the CustomLink from the Ranking Screen in the EDS note in FOLIO. Also mark what the ranking is.

CustomLink Checking

  • Once a year, all ranked CustomLinks should be checked to make sure that they conform to the UMAAH naming system, link language and hover text should be reviewed to ensure it matches (except where there is an icon), LCL collections should be verified, and the proxy settings should be checked to make sure it is correctly toggled.

Test Profile Review

  • Once a year, all profiles in all Site/Groups should be reviewed. Only 1 profile of each type of EDS interface should be preserved in the Test Group UNLESS there is an active project being worked on with EBSCO. The live profile data should be copied down on to the test profiles to make sure they are correct.

    • To avoid confusion, all test profiles should be descriptively named and ideally should include a date. If there is longer term testing (like during the FTF migration) and entirely new group should be created to keep the profiles separate.

EBSCOhost versus Unique Profiles

  • Once a year, the EBSCOhost resources which reside outside the main EHOST profile should be reviewed to make sure that the settings, linking, and branding match the rest of the UMAAH EBSCO environment. URLs should be double checked in all systems. If something is broken, check with Jennifer Friedman to hear from the Liaisons. Do NOT preserve broken profiles in the Main User Group.


There are a number of customizations and configurations we have made to our catalog in EDS. They have to be managed through the EDS Catalog Team or the LSE's.

  • Catalog Boost

    • Our catalog is set to be boosted in relevance above EDS metadata

  • NetLibrary Filter

    • Turned off to allow SRS records for EBSCO eBooks to surface. They are treated differently in the ranking, and some non EBSCO eBooks were being suppressed incorrectly.

  • PubType Mappings

    • Managed as part of Five College Discovery. Documentation is stored in the FCDC shared Google Drive. Our mapping dictates what MARC generates specific EDS PubTypes and also has a bearing on the Source Type Filter

  • Link Language Stanzas

    • Managed as part of Five College Discovery. Documentation is stored in the FCDC shared Google Drive. Our stanza is based on certain language in the 856 of the holdings record which will allow the URL to display (UMass: Link to Resource)

Institutional Repositories

UMass ScholarWorks Location Lookup Tables

  • As of September 2024, we have not yet reinstated OAI-MPH harvests from ScholarWorks into EDS after the migration from bepress to DSpace. ir00062a no longer exists and will be replaced by one or two catalogs. No ScholarWorks content is currently displaying in EDS.

  • ir00062a mapped all locations to a single collection; with the addition of Open Publishing at UMass Amherst (Janeway), this will likely change.

  • Check in with Margaret Youngberg if you have questions.

UMass SCUA Digital Collections (ir01012a)

Update Location Lookup Tables

Twice a year, the SCUA location lookup table (for limiting by collection in the advanced search window) needs to be updated to catch new collections and resources added to Credo. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the OAI sets URL Aaron created to access the OAI endpoint. (This is saved in the ir01012a folder of DRMS on Google Drive.) Make sure you’re at the sets URL and not the regular OAI feed.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the XML tree.

  3. Compare the value of the final setName element in the XML to the bottom line in the most recent tab of the credo_location_lookup_table.xlsx file sent to EBSCO. (As of 20240930 it is Madge McQueen.)

  4. If they match, no new collections have been added. No action needed!

If they do not match, EBSCO needs a new location lookup table:

  1. Go to (Google drive) DRMS Drive > EDS > Institutional Repositories> SCUA (ir01012a).

  2. Open credo_location_lookup_table.xlsx.

  3. Duplicate the most recent tab and change the name to today’s date; e.g., 20240930.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom and add a row.

  5. Map the data as follows:

    • <setSpec> becomes Name in Data (Column A)

    • <setName> becomes Full Display (Column C) and Limiter (Column D)

    • Format the text for Facet Display (Column B) manually: take the text from Full Display/Limiter and remove the dates (if present).

  6. Download the tab as a CSV.

  7. Create an EBSCO Connect ticket by emailing our rep with the CSV attached. Sample text:

Hi, Dan.

I'd like to update our location lookup table for ir01012a (UMass SCUA Digital Collections). I've attached a CSV. Please let me know if you need any additional information to implement this.

Thank you!


If you can’t find a previous location lookup table, you can reinvent the wheel thusly:

  1. Save the XML page to your computer as Web Page, XML only.

  2. Other-click and choose Open with… and then Excel.

  3. You’ll be prompted on how to open the file. Choose As an XML table.

  4. Excel will helpfully tell you that it will auto-create a schema based on the data in the XML file you’re opening. Click OK.

  5. Delete the following columns:

    • ns1:responseDate

    • ns1:request

    • verb

    • ns3:description

  6. Add two columns to the left of ns1:setName. Copy the contents of ns1:setName to the column immediately next to it.

  7. Rename the columns as follows:

    • ns1:setSpec : Name in Data

    • Blank Column: Facet Display

    • Blank column with ns1:setName data: : Full Display

    • ns1:setName : Limiter

  8. Populate Facet Display with the instructions above.

  9. Continue following at Step 6 above.


Creating Local Collections

Local collections of content can be created to populate the LCL Collections select box in a CustomLink editing view. Some CustomLinks require creation of LCL collections to facilitate linking (Lit .Crit. Online, JSTOR Books) and some LCL collections are created for when we have a very small subset of whatever LCL collection is being offered in EDS. Send files to Support to ensure that the collections will be created successfully.

Literature Criticism Online

Once a year after Spring renewals the LCL collection created for the Literature Criticism Online CustomLink should be updated. Visit the Resource page and click on “What's Inside” under the basic search bar. Export the title list for our databases.

  • Remove everything but the ISBN and the Title

    • Edition statements will not be included in the file Bob Uploads as they are not supported.

  • Save the entire export as a Tab Delimited .txt document

  • Go to EBSCOAdmin and then the Local Collections Tab

    • Click the “Go” for the 2019Apr29LitCritEbookCollection

  • To overwrite the existing local collection, choose upload local titles at the top of the screen.

    • Make sure the Collection ID is correct (2019LitCri)

    • Make sure the Column Identifiers are correct.

      • The column number needs to be in brackets.

    • Make sure the radio button for “Replace is selected”

      • This will overwrite everything

    • Upload the file

    • Submit

Gale eBooks (GVRL)

  • Coordinate with the UM Batch Services Team

    • We manage a local collection for chapter level linking.

    • Get data from Jennifer E. from the MARC files

      • Title, Print + Electronic ISBN

    • Edition statements will not be included in the file EBSCO Uploads as they are not supported.

  • Be sure to have EBSCO replace the existing LCL collection as there are deletes. Do NOT use the older versions of the local collections.

Newsbank Content

  • Newsbank Titles 7/10/2020 (nwsbank2)

    • A KBART entitlements request can be made to Newsbank, which will cover ALL Newsbank content, not just our Access World News Subscription. The file should be shared to EBSCO as part of the renewal cycle to have a brand new local collection created. The older version can be deleted.

Ovid eJournal Content

  • [UMAAH] Journals at Ovid (MANAGED: Do Not Edit!) (ovid)

    • An entitlements file can be downloaded from Ovid and given to EBSCO. This should ideally be updated once a year as part of the renewal cycle.

ASTM Compass Content

  • ASTM holdings (MANAGED: Do Not Edit!) (astm)

    • This local collection is NOT easy to create but should be relatively stable. A holdings file can be downloaded from the ASTM Compass site and the passed on to EBSCO if it needs to be refreshed.

MaryAnn Leibert eJournal Content

  • Mary Ann Liebert Journals May 2019 (maliebj519)

    • Consider deleting this LCL collection and removing the MAL CustomLink from the ranking after FTF Migration

Docuseek Content

We have three sources for Docuseek content: the complete 4th edition (life-of-file), GOOD DOCS (subscription, through February 2026), and any single titles we have purchased (life-of-file). EBSCO’s local collection for filter (system.edsdsksk) passes all titles through from their database (edsdsk); adding these local collections removes titles we do not have access to. (All single title purchases are added to FOLIO and appear in EDS with no connection to the Docuseek CustomLink.)

It’s unclear how often these need to be updated.

  • 4th ed


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