E-Book Reserves
Subscription/DDA Titles
Titles available via subscription in ProQuest Academic Complete or in JSTOR DDA – copy the URL from the title (open the Hampshire-Link to Resource URL in a new tab after locating the record in EDS).
For JSTOR titles, add the HC proxy prefix (https://proxy2.hampshire.edu/login?url=) to the beginning of the JSTOR stable URL.
Provide the faculty member with the title link to use via Moodle in their course.
Open Access Ebooks
Obtain the link for the title as above.
Provide the faculty member with the title link to use via Moodle in their course.
Newly purchased E-books
Before purchasing a title on Gobi, please check both in FOLIO and EDS for existing access to the book. It is worth search by both ISBN AND by title/author as ebooks often have different ISBNs on different platforms.
Import a new record into FOLIO. Single title e-book records are not shared. See FOLIO MARC EDITS FOR E-BOOKS and STREAMING VIDEOS for the 506 and 655 text needed for the MARC record.
Add an 035 9 field to the MARC record as well. The Gobi order reference number is used as the identifier. Prefix that number with this string (HCeb[PQ|EB|JS]gobi[1U|3U|UU])[Gobi order #]
the first set of brackets is for the initials of the platform (ProQuest, EBSCO, JSTOR, etc.) If a title is purchased for a different platform, you can locate another Hampshire title for that platform (the query search for electronic access is the easiest way (i.e. holdings.electronicAccess any (*cambridge*/*degruyter*) etc. Use the location facet for HC NET.
the #U indicates any user limits for the title as purchased.
Prefix the call number with any user limits. Adding a space after the text improves display in EDS.
E-Book |
E-Book (1 Simultaneous User) |
E-Book (2 Simultaneous Users) |
E-Book (3 Simultaneous Users) |
Add “eb” to the end of the call number (not in suffix field).
Electronic Access links go on the HOLDINGS.
Hampshire’s link text includes any user limits. A public note is also added with the user limit
Link Text | Note Text |
Hampshire: Link to resource |
Hampshire: Link to resource (1 Simultaneous User) | Only one (1) user may read this book at a time. |
Hampshire: Link to resource (2 Simultaneous Users) | Only two (2) users may read this book at a time. |
Hampshire: Link to resource (3 Simultaneous Users) | Only three (3) users may read this book at a time. |
Five Colleges: Link to resource |
Link to free resource (Open Access e-book) |