De-accessioning Hampshire Materials
  • In progress
  • De-accessioning Hampshire Materials

    draft @Jennifer Bolmarcich Oct 18, 2023

    Are any of these questions true? If yes, the material cannot be deaccessioned right now.

    1. Q: Is the item (or any of the items, if multiple) linked to an active loan (aged to lost, billed, etc.)?
      A: The loan must be closed (fees paid/item returned/fees waived, etc.) before the item can be deleted.

    2. Q: Is this an item (or any of the items, if multiple) that is part of Hampshire’s EAST collection?
      Check the instance record for this note:

      Staff only-No. Action note-committed to retain 20160630 20310630 EAST http eastlibraries.org slash retained-materials  Hampshire copy EAST commitment MAH

      Note text: Staff only: No; Action note: committed to retain 20160630 20310630 EAST http://eastlibraries.org/retained-materials Hampshire copy: EAST commitment MAH
      A: If 1. this note is present, and 2. the item is in good condition, then the item CANNOT be removed from our collection before 2031 at the earliest. However, if the item is too damaged to circulate, we will need to replace the item with another copy of the same edition.

    3. Q. Is there an order attached to this item? Check the Acquisitions accordion in both the item and holdings record to determine if this is true.
      A. If there is order information, check with Jen about the item (or items).

    4. Q. Is there an item (or holdings or instance) note about the material being a gift to Hampshire College OR about the author or other associated individual being connected to Hampshire (Alumnx, faculty, etc.)?
      A. Check with Rachel, Natane, or Jen about the item (or items).

    5. Q. Does this item belong in the Seydel Collection?
      A. Check with Rachel or Jen about the item (or items).

    1. How much stuff do you need to remove?

      1. I want to delete a single item.

      2. I want to delete a single title with multiple items attached.

      3. I want to delete a cart full of books or a pile of damaged material, etc.

    Deleting a single item

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