Moving SEL items from an incorrect to a correct Instance record

Moving SEL items from an incorrect to a correct Instance record

Sometimes when working on a project in the stacks, or when troubleshooting a problem with a title, you might find that it is incorrectly cataloged onto the wrong record. You can fix this one of two ways: 1) sometimes you can find the correct record in FOLIO and move the SEL holdings/items to that record if another school in the Five Colleges owns the title, or 2) you can overlay the new correct cataloging record.

This document covers option 1: finding the correct record in FOLIO and moving the SEL holdings and item(s) to that record.

Before starting, it is very important to scroll to the bottom of the record and see if there is an order record attached. You can find this by scrolling to the bottom of the Inventory record to the Acquisition section. Open to see if there is a line that says POL. If you see this, that means there is an order record and you can contact Scott, Ann or Jennifer for assistance.

If there is no order record attached:

  • Confirm that the item in hand is actually on the incorrect record. Click Actions – View source to review title page information, edition statement and publication date to confirm. All pieces of information must be an exact match.

  • If they are not an exact match, search for the correct record by searching Inventory to see if another one of the Five Colleges owns the same title on the correct record. If another school owns a copy and has holdings on a bib, then look to see if the record is on the Non-shared record locations document.


Moving a title to a shared bib

  1. If another of the Five Colleges owns the title on a shared bib that we are allowed to use, we can move the SEL copy to the correct record

  2. Click on the clipboard icon next to the HRID in the instance record pane. Copy the HRIDs for both instance records that you want to interact with and paste them into a text file or use a sticky pad app

  3. Go to Actions – Move holdings/items to another instance

  4. This will bring up a Select instance search prompt. Choose Instance HRID from the dropdown and paste in the HRID of the title that you want to move the holdings/item records to

  5. Click Search and select the one title that is returned

  6. The title that you had started with will be in the left pane and the instance that you searched for will be in the right pane. The item accordions have been expanded, showing all holdings and items for both titles. There is now a check-box in front of the barcode for each item, and there is a check-box just above each holdings record.

  • Checkbox #1 moves the holdings record AND all attached items (You will use this most often for SEL items)

  • Checkbox #2 moves all the items under that holdings record, BUT NOT the holdings record

  • Checkbox #3 moves ONLY the specific item record

If you check off the box to move the holdings record:

  1. Click on the Move to button

  2. You will see the title of the other instance. Click on the title to move the selected holdings to the other instance record


  3. Click Continue to confirm the move

  4. Review the changes you made and close either instance record to return to a normal Inventory view

If you use the check-boxes to move one or more items:

  1. Click on the Move to button

  2. You will see a list of the holdings records on the other instance

  3. Select the title with the appropriate SEL holdings to move the checked items to that holdings record

  4. Click Continue to confirm

  5. Review the changes you made and close either instance record to return to a normal Inventory view

If the holdings/items that you moved were the only remaining records on the old instance record, delete the instance records using the Delete a record in Inventory instructions.

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