Monographs Damaged Physical Items or Missing Pages
These instructions are for monographs. For serials see Serials/Periodicals missing pages
If the item is slightly damaged, follow the instructions below.
If the item severely damaged or beyond repair, give to Mary Yokubaitis for retention and to withdraw.
Missing pages:
If the missing pages are unnecessary and a patron can still read everything, follow the instructions below.
If the missing pages are necessary and the item isn’t readable, give to Mary Yokubaitis for retention and to withdraw.
Steps for keeping the item:
Scan in the barcode
Go to Actions → Edit
Scroll down to Item Notes and click on Add note
Select Copy note from the drop down
Type Missing pages into the notes field
If an item is also damaged (enough so that it warrants us keeping track):
Add a second Copy note and type in a brief description of the damage
Scroll to the Condition section
Select Damaged from the Item damaged status dropdown
The date should automatically populate today’s date, but if it doesn’t, add today as the date of damage
Give to Molly Growhoski or Camille Godbout-Chouinard for books and Linda Fish for other formats for repair