Reinstating withdrawn items
These instructions are current as of 2/5/2025. They may be updated as we are reviewing withdrawal procedures at this time! Please reach out to IRM if you run into any problems.
Check in
First check in the title. When the dialog box comes up, telling you the item has been withdrawn, click confirm
Scan in barcode
Go back to the main record screen and work your way up through the records
Item record
Click on the item barcode with the red exclamation mark
Actions – Edit
Uncheck the box for Suppress from discovery
Delete Statistical code (if present)
Delete FOR RETENTION from call number fields (if present)
Save & close
Holdings record
Notice if a red exclamation mark is next to the holdings call number
Click on View holdings
Actions – Edit
Uncheck the box for Suppress from discovery
Delete Statistical code (if present)
Delete FOR RETENTION from the Call number prefix field (if present)
Save & close
Instance record
Take a peek at the instance record to check if it is suppressed
Actions – Edit
Look at both Suppress from discovery and Staff suppress boxes and be sure they are unchecked
If these are both checked, find the statistical code
Delete Statistical code (if present)
Save & close