Barcodes not found in Folio

Barcodes not found in Folio

If you find a mystery title in the stacks or you are brought a problem item, you might scan the barcode to see what comes up in Folio. If the barcode cannot be found in Folio, we need to add the item back into the collections.

In Folio

Always start by searching Inventory to see if anyone else in the Five Colleges owns the title. If they do, we may be able to share their bibliographic record! Always check the Non-shared record locations document to verify if we can share inventory.

Then verify that our title is the same as the record you’d like to share. Check these fields:

  • 245 is the title–make sure it is an exact match

  • 250 is the edition–if the game has an edition stated on it, make sure this is an exact match in the record

  • 264 is the publisher and/or distributor of the game–some games are published or distributed by multiple companies. Please only use a record that has an exact match for the publisher or distributor for the copy we have in our collection

  • 300 is the physical description of the game–go through the pieces in the game and be sure ours is the same. If the game is otherwise the same and ours is missing something, we’ll have to make a note of it

  • You will see other fields, but these are not important for matching.

Once you have determined that the item is an exact match, add the appropriate SEL holdings record and then add the item.

In Connexion

After adding holdings and items, you’ll need to update our holdings in Connexion. This lets people outside of UMass know that we own the item--they’ll be able to see that we own it on WorldCat.

  • In Folio, look at the bibliographic record in Inventory. Go to Actions – View Source

  • Find the OCLC number in field 035 and copy the number only

  • Login to Connexion

  • Go to Cataloging – Search – WorldCat

  • Set one of your search boxes to search OCLC number (find in the dropdown) and paste in the OCLC number you copied from Folio. Hit enter

  • At the top of the OCLC record it will probably say No holdings in AUM

  • Go to Actions – Holdings – Update holdings

  • This message will change to Held by AUM

You did it!

No matching hits in Inventory

If the title is not anywhere in Folio and there is no record to share, you may import a record, following the same instructions as those used SEL Board Games. If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact a metadata librarian for help. We’re happy to assist. Or you can hold for Ann to help you out.

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