Funnel logistics

Funnel logistics


New NACO contributors are required to be under review for a period until they are deemed independent. Records for review need to be submitted to the Funnel Coordinator until the new NACO contributor is out of review.

At this time, Ann Kardos is the Funnel Coordinator and all newly trained contributors will submit their records to AUM for review. The review period is not for a “fixed” amount of time. New contributors will be under review until they are competent and feel comfortable creating NARs on their own. This could range anywhere from just a few months to a year. In the past, there were even some people who never left review and were more comfortable having all headings checked. It’s really about the comfort and abilities of the contributor!

For Connexion users:

Login with the 5C credentials, which has been authorized for NACO. See Authorizations & people

As of 1/8/2025: Ann needs a Connexion user with NACO authorizations to go through the steps for documentation

  • Instructions should somehow be similar to the “possible steps” under WorldShare, but I’m not sure if the drop down menus are exactly the same. Reach out if you want to Zoom together and hash this out

Note: I am unclear which of the Five Colleges are able to create NARs under their own MARC code. I think it should be none of us. This means that to create new authority records, you should have to login under the 5C credentials.

For WorldShare users:

If you are a cataloger who uses WorldShare and would like to do your NACO work there, your local WorldShare administrator must request a NACO authorization for you. Follow the instructions at: https://help.oclc.org/Metadata_Services/WorldShare_Record_Manager/Troubleshooting/How_can_I_request_to_get_NACO_authorization_access_for_use_in_Record_Manager

Possible steps? (Under review 1/8/2025):

  • Create a record by going to Create Record

    • Select Authority Record next to Data Type

    • Select MaAhFCL as the MARC Organization Code

    • The default selection in the Heading Type drop down is Names

      • If you are creating a Series Title or Geographic Name, make sure you select the correct Heading Type from the drop down

    • Click on Create

  • When you are done creating your record, go to the Record drop down menu

    • Select Submit for Review

    • Type in AUM

For the Funnel Coordinator (verified):

To find records for review in WorldShare:

  • Under Record Manager

  • Data Type = Authority Records

  • Scope = Saved - In Progress

  • Index = Submitted for Review to My Institution

  • Search

  • Click on title of authority to review

  • Email creator with comments and/or relevant documentation

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