MU canceled NACO registration

MU canceled NACO registration

  • As of 2024, UMass NACO contributions will be done under MaAhFCL

  • This information is captured for historical purposes only

History & decision making

Upon Sharon Domier’s retirement in 2024, UMass decided to give up our institutional NACO registration (MU) and to supply authority work under the Five College/Massachusetts Funnel (MaAhFCL). UMass has historically supported the Massachusetts/5C Funnel as the Funnel Coordinator.

Sharon Domier was the Funnel Coordinator from the funnel’s inception until 2017. Ann Kardos took over the Funnel Coordinator position in 2017.

The following emails regarding the canceled UMass NACO registration are provided for documentation and decision-making purposes only.


From: Sharon Domier <sdomier@library.umass.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2024 4:12 PM
To: Frank, Paul <pfrank@loc.gov>
Cc: Ann Kardos <annk@library.umass.edu>
Subject: UMass NACO participation


Hi Paul,

This is Sharon Domier, the East Asian Studies librarian at UMass. How are you doing these days? It looks like you are as busy as ever. I really appreciate all that you do for catalogers across the country. 

I am gearing up to retire this fall and trying to clean up loose ends. One of those loose ends is our institutional commitment to NACO. At UMass there is just me and Ann Kardos who are trained NACO contributors, and even we haven't had time to contribute much if anything over the past 5 years because of our ILS conversion (FOLIO, just wait:)) 

Ann and I have been talking about it, and we think that going forward it makes the most sense to drop the MU institutional NACO and use the MaAhFCL (Mass funnel) option instead. Ann is happy to continue to shepherd that one and we have new colleagues at local colleges who are eager to start training and then contributing under Ann's guidance. 

So, even though I know the NACO FAQ says that you hope member institutions won't feel that they need to withdraw, Ann and I would like to make this recommendation to our administrators and would like to seek your help in seeing it through the necessary procedures with the PCC-Secretariat. 

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes for a reasonable summer,

Sharon Domier 


From: Frank, Paul <pfrank@loc.gov>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 3:55 PM
To: Sharon Domier <sdomier@library.umass.edu>
Cc: Ann Kardos <annk@library.umass.edu>
Subject: RE: UMass NACO participation


Hi Sharon,

It is nice to hear from you! I was out last week and am still catching up on things now that I am back to work. Apologies for the overdue reply.

I have been spending most of my time this year on our FOLIO implementation! I know how time-consuming conversions can be.

Change happens. In fact, my official title for our conversion project is Change Management Lead!

Congratulations on your upcoming retirement!

The plan you and Ann have sounds perfect. From the PCC Secretariat side, there is not too much that needs to be done. We will just mark the PCC Directory profile for MU Inactive and you (Ann) can continue to use the Funnel option.

It is all really easy to do. Just let me know when to Deactivate the MU profile in the PCC Directory.

All the best to both of you!



From: Ann Kardos <annk@umass.edu>
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2024 2:01 PM
To: Frank, Paul <pfrank@loc.gov>; Sharon Domier <sdomier@library.umass.edu>
Subject: Re: UMass NACO participation


Hi Paul,

Thanks so much for your guidance on what Sharon and I would need to do to drop our MU institutional NACO. We've discussed this with our appropriate managers, and I think we're ready to update the PCC directory. Sharon has only a few more weeks with us here at UMass, and I'm ready to contribute my NACO records through the Five College Funnel.

Please deactivate our MU profile in the PCC directory. It's the end of this chapter, and the beginning of a new one here at UMass.

Let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks again!


Ann Kardos

Frank, Paul<pfrank@loc.gov>

To:​ Ann Kardos;​

Cc: Sharon Domier​

Tue 9/17/2024 11:22 AM

Hi Ann,

Thank you! I just deleted the MU profile. Wow, what great memories of working with Sharon and you back when the Mass Five Funnel was established! Fun times!


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